Chapter 74

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(I was feeling really generous so enjoy this extra chapter!)

"Meredith?" Derek asked walking around this beach... random he has never been too in his life... but apparently this was the place people go when they die.


"Meredith!" Derek yelled excitedly.

He ran up to her but before he could hug her she slapped him.

"You dumbass! What the hell are you doing here?? You were supposed to live a long and happy life for the both of us!"

"I'm sure you saw everything after I died" he frowned

"... I did" she said looking off into the ocean

"So you know that a life without you was impossible "

"You left my friends alone and Bailey and Richard Derek... that was selfish of you" she sighed

"I'd do it again if it meant I'd could see you"

"Your still as cheesy as ever" she giggled sitting down

"I missed you Meredith... I missed you so much" he said sitting beside her

"Now there's no need! We're gonna be here forever watching over everyone else."

"Mm sounds good" Derek said wrapping his arm around and pulling closer.

"I missed you too Derek. I didn't want to leave you... but at a certain point I just knew... that was it" she frowned

"It's ok I'm happy I'm here" he said tilting her face to face him. He leaned in and kissed her with a smile on his face.

She pulled away with a huge smile on her face and rested her head on his chest.

"Your still a dumbass you know. I was screaming for you too stop"

"I'm sorry Mer. I know that must've been hard for you too watch"

"Of course it was!"

"I love you" he said nudging her in hooded she'd smile

"I love you too Derek!"


"Huh? Meredith?"

"Derek I was telling you I feel a lot better!"

"You.... What?"

"Yeah the whole being able to feel his hands everywhere... the feeling went away and I feel better so let's go to the carnival!"

"Meredith... "

"What's wrong with you come on!"she grabbed his hand and tugged her downstairs but not before leaving a kiss on his lips.

A/n ok! That's it for real. I hope you guys enjoyed this turn of events. If you have questions I'd be happy to answer

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