2: The family.

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For the family dinner I wore something simple and comfortable. After all, we were not going anywhere but to stay at home and we would just be my two older brothers; Evan and Brian, my twin; Charlie, my father and me.

I left my room and went into the living room. Charlie along with Brian and dad were already there waiting for Evan, who would surely be late because he was a bit of smug, although Brian was not far behind.

Our oldest brother was always late because he always took too long to get ready, even though it was just a family dinner and at home, although this was not like Blake's, far from similar

His place was a two-story detached house with many bedrooms, three or four bathrooms; both individual and shared, two huge gardens in front and back yards, pool on the back porch, basement with another covered and heated pool, and a garage for more than one vehicle.

On the other hand, I lived in a small apartment with only the essentials; one bathroom, one kitchen, and a living room that was also a dining room. In addition, there were three bedrooms; one for my father, Brian and Charlie shared another one and the last one for me. It was also "an office" since it was the only room with a computer, so no one of us had as much intimacy as we wanted.

My economic status wasn't even close to Blake's. It was seen with the naked eye that he was a wealthy guy while I worked at home, helped take care of my family and had two jobs to pay off many, many debts that my mother left when she abandoned us.

As I was thinking about all of this, someone knocked on the door. My father was in the kitchen getting dinner out of the oven, my brothers were sitting on the couch speaking quietly for once so, since I was the only one standing, I got the door.

"Evan!" I exclaimed and my oldest brother hugged until lifting me up.

"Hello, princess!" He kissed my forehead sonorously as he put me back on the floor and then walked in the living room.

I was used to my brothers and dad calling me that nickname, so I just let it be. I had assumed they would never stop doing that.

I had also accepted to be picked up whenever they felt like it, especially to greet me. That was the downside of everyone in my family being over 5'9 tall and me 5'3.

After Evan high-fived Charlie and Brian, we sat at the table as we started a conversation and waited for dad, who joined in a matter of minutes leaving the tray of food in the middle of everyone.

Dinner was fun and enjoyable. My family was somewhat peculiar and it was not so common. We had the freedom to talk about absolutely any topic and, whenever we could get together, we ended up having a party for the least bit.

I could say that there was no one serious in my family, although it was better not to anger dad because he could turn into the devil himself if he wanted to. Lucky for my brothers that he worked a lot and he was not as much at home as he would like.

Brian and Charlie were always arguing or fighting, both seriously and as a joke, while Evan didn't live with us, so it was my turn to put up with them. Fortunately, when he came to visit he helped us with things around the house or with the two of them.

To tell the truth, if I thought about it, I was like the mother of the family even if I was the youngest of all, because Charlie, who was my twin, was only two minutes older than me and always reminded me to annoy me.

"So, how was your day, guys?" Dad asked. I was the very first one to talk with no hesitation.

"I met Blake's parents", I moved the little spoon around the plate with the leftovers of homemade cake.

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