11: The restroom.

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A waiter interrupted us when he put the two plates on the table. That was the fact that made us put some distance between our faces, so I had to pull myself together or I was going to lose my fucking mind right here.

My heart was racing so fast that I thought it was going to collapse and stop at any moment.

I had told him that I wanted him and, after what we had been through these intense days, after everything I began to feel, it was more than true, but Blake...

I remembered the call this morning that I couldn't answer because I was on the motorbike and I took the phone out of my pocket in the hopes that it had been him, that he would call me when he woke up as he had told me last night.

Maybe we didn't have to wait for the weekend to tell him what was going on. Maybe we could tell him right now that Ian and I were in the same place at the same time and on the weekend we would tell Eleanor.

I hit the button on the side of the phone and even though the screen was broken, I could still see some of the lock wallpaper with a photo of Blake and me.

It was taken in our hiding spot by the timer of the camera. He was hugging me from behind resting his head on my shoulder and I had a hand on his cheeks as squeezed a little, making him stick his lips out.

"You need another one." Ian said looking at the phone as he started to eat.

"Another one what?" I asked, surprised.

"Another cell phone." He grinned. "What did you think I was going to tell you? Another boyfriend?" I kept silent.

"He's your son." His smile didn't go away.

"Exactly. He is my son." He nodded at his words, pointing to the phone.

"And that means...?" I waited for him to complete the sentence with something like 'what we do is wrong.'

"That means that anything he can do, I can do better." I blushed a lot more than I thought because I knew that what he had said was double-minded. "I'm talking about general things, beautiful. What are you thinking?" He titled his head slightly as he questioned.

"Sex." I answered without thinking and he laughed, but he had to chuckle to avoid attracting attention in the restaurant.

"I never know what to expect with you, Katie." He took a sip from the glass of water. "You blush, but you answer very directly." I shrugged as I started to eat lunch.

"You asked me what I was thinking and I just told you." I said. Simply.

"You're right." Still chuckling, he nodded.

"Mind if I look at something on the phone for a moment?" I pointed at it.

"Go ahead." He waved his hand to give me permission. "But first let me tell you that the food is delicious." He pointed to his plate as he nodded approvingly.

"Noah would love to hear that. I'll let her know." I smiled because I liked that a person like him liked a place as humble as this.

I ran my finger across the screen, but felt like my index finger had been cut. Luckily, when I ran my thumb over it squeezing a bit, no blood came out, it was just the sensation of having passed over the cracks of the screen.

I put in the unlock code and saw that I had another wallpaper image with Blake.

In this one we were both in swimsuits and bikinis on a beach. Blake was lying on the towel and I was lying on another next to him. We couldn't see our faces because we had a cap in front of us, but we were kissing.

At the time, he didn't mind that I was wearing a bikini, why did it suddenly bother him at his house?

Shaking my head to get rid of all the thoughts and the fact that I felt like shit from looking at those photos without feeling the same way I felt when we took them, I opened the incoming calls and went to the "missed" ones until I saw that the last one that I didn't answer it had no name.

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