18: The Friday.

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After that conversation and before I went home, Eleanor came downstairs with quick steps after finding Blake coming up. She saw me there, sitting on the couch, holding onto it tightly, pale and unable to speak.

I told her everything that had happened.

She, quite understanding, told me something that I already knew damn well; We had to tell him as soon as possible, because Blake was just tightening the rope more and more to see how long it was going to take without breaking, but there wasn't much time left.

But today we couldn't tell him.

Today we had to have a quiet dinner, so I had already gone home to get ready.

While I had a light lunch, because I didn't really want to after what was happening these last few days, especially today, the farewell with Blake was repeated in my head.

He had been in his room and when I went upstairs to say goodbye, he had given me a passionate kiss as he pulled me closer to his body.

I tried with all my might to put my hands on his chest to separate him and remove his arms from around my waist, but he didn't let me go.

When I was in the hall, Eleanor saw me wiping my lips with my forearm and shaking my body to clean it up.

She sighed to walk me to the front door where she, between whispers and murmurs, confirmed and reaffirmed to me thousands of times that we had to tell him in the morning without second thoughts and I had to leave him.

"Kay!" Brian snapped his fingers in front of my face and I looked forward to seeing him sitting on the other side of the kitchen bar.

"Sorry. I was thinking." I sighed and looked at my almost full plate.

"What's wrong?" He leaned forward. "You have hardly eaten." He looked at me. "Are you nervous about this dinner?" I shrugged my shoulders.

I couldn't tell him that I was shaking because I didn't know what was going to happen tonight. I had in mind that it should be quiet, without arguments or double meanings, but I knew Blake, and I knew him well, fortunately or unfortunately.

He was going to try to get information out of us or put us in a bind by all means to uncover the truth in front of everyone, but he wasn't going to get it tonight. It was not going to be the moment, so I evaded my older brother's question.

"Blake and I argued. Nothing important." I looked up and he frowned.

"If it got you thinking that way, of course it's important." I thought that sounded too mature to have come from my brother's mouth. "You want to talk before dad gets here with Charlie and Evan?" He asked cautiously. "You know when they come back this is gonna be a catwalk." I chuckled.

They left to pick up Evan and then to buy something to wear for tonight, which they were very excited about, but Brian had decided to stay. According to him, surely he had something lying around in his closet, and he didn't want to go shopping so he had stayed with me.

"I don't know, Bri..." I shrugged without being able to tell him or look at him.

"Has Blake said or done something to you?" He frowned unfriendly.

Yeah, but I've done it to him too, I thought.

"No." I replied and my brother relaxed a bit, but he didn't seem very confident.

"A simple couple's argument?" I got up and threw my leftover lunch in the trash. I wasn't going to be able to finish it.

"He's made me take a vacation from work, now that..." I sighed as I put my plate in the sink.

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