21: The audacity.

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If the tension was very strong before, now I could pinch it with my fingers. I was uncomfortable, especially since Blake had put his elbows on the table, he clasped his hands under his chin and was staring at me, but I was only glancing at him.

Ian soon returned with three cups of coffee that he put on the table, he sat down again in the same place in front of me and Eleanor followed him by putting the coffee pot, taking a seat in front of Blake, just as we had been before.

Out of politeness and to not raise any more suspicions, I remained seated, looking everywhere except at my companions because what I really wanted was to get up from the table as soon as possible, although it seemed that that was not going to happen yet.

I remembered when we had dinner together the first time I met them and then I remembered again that Blake didn't want me to meet his parents, that he had been very nervous at the time when Ian saw us, despite of the fact that we were leaving his room half naked, and he was even more uncomfortable all day and the dinner the day after.

While I was thinking whether or not I should ask him about that and how to do it due to our situation without saying something inappropriate or without saying something that he could take as hint or proof, he put a hand on my thigh and squeezed a little hurting me because he grabbed too little skin.

I looked at him with no intention of hiding it, mainly because I jumped a little in the chair and complained loudly about the not at all gentle pinch he had done to me, which made Ian and Eleanor stare.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"What do you mean?" He spoke in an "innocent" tone.

"You hurt me and don't touch me like that in front of your parents, please." I grabbed his hand and put it on top of the table.

"Again, Blake?" Ian, angry and jealous, put the coffee cup on the little plate with more force than normal.

"What do you mean again?" Eleanor asked without knowing.

"He was touching her in front of me last night even when Katie didn't want him to." Ian replied seriously. Eleanor scowled at her son.

"You did what!?" She exclaimed and Blake just rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Don't make that gesture to your mother." I defended her and the three gazes fell on me.

"I just put my hand on your leg, for God's sake!" He defended himself as if we had accused him of something serious. "It's not like you don't like that, uh?" That hint was about dinner last night, I knew it.

"If she doesn't want to, you respect her." Ian sternly spoke.

"Father of the year..." He muttered angrily, looking away.

"What have you said!?" Ian got up and put his hands on the table with a loud bang, drawing his attention. I swallowed hard.

"Nothing..." Blake flinched. "I'm sorry, dad..." He murmured through clenched teeth, as if it was hard for him to say that. Ian sat down again, frowning as he straightened his tie and snorted.

"Forgive the scene, Kay, my darling." Eleanor said to me, but I was only thinking about that strong, authoritarian attitude Ian had just had.

I'd have a fucking problem if that got me turned on because...

Shit, yes, I did. I did have a fucking problem.

Ian looked at me and realized right away what that attitude had produced in me, as his face relaxed and he raised an eyebrow with that mischievous half smile, which made me turn my head away and put my fist in front of my mouth to cover the obvious smile on my face.

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