28. The routine.

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Yesterday Ian took me home after everything that had happened in the cabin, after Blake had managed to kick us out, so we could only accept that we had to go back, inevitably, to the routine.

After all, we still couldn't hold anything against 'my yet boyfriend'.


At night, when I arrived home, my family had been astonished to see me back so soon when it hadn't even been a week, just a few days, but I only told them the same excuse that Ian and his friend, Nestor, said; Ian was needed at the company first thing in the morning for a work emergency.

After that, I went to my room to unpack while talking to Abby on the phone. I was able to tell her the absolute truth and I had also told her I was going back to work tomorrow so I had only really taken a few days off.

The next day, I did the usual routine; I got up early, got ready in the bathroom, had breakfast, and dodged any questions my father or brothers kept asking about my sudden return home.

I knew that Brian and Charlie suspected something, especially the first one, but very specifically my father, who did not tell me directly but with gestures; frowning, arched eyebrows and worried fatherly look.

The day at work was pretty ordinary, minus the part where Abby was around me the whole time and we went to lunch with Evan and Carl. We had several fun moments that almost made me forget what I had just experienced days ago.

A few minutes before departure time, I received a message from Ian in which he told me to meet up. I was still gathering my things and closing up the studio, but I told him that we could meet up in a few minutes, since I had little left to finish.

We still couldn't risk staying somewhere familiar or where people could see and recognize us because we were back in a familiar area, so I sent him the location of my favorite ice cream parlor outside of the town.

It was one of those places in my social class that I wanted to take him to because I knew he would love it and hadn't had the chance yet.

It was away from the neighborhood and we could talk in peace, especially since we had in mind that today, no matter what, we were going to solve the Blake issue.

Today we were going to agree on how and when to tell him once and for all.

So now, as I was leaning against the counter in the photography studio, sending him the last text with the location of the midpoint where we would meet before going to the ice cream parlor to go to this one together, Abby peeked over my shoulder.

I realized quickly and my reflex action was to put the phone with the screen against my chest, still thinking that there was a camera spying, that Blake was looking.

"I know who you text to, idiot! Why do you hide it from me?" She laughed with a certain mockery.

"Oh, fuck, you're right..." I mumbled and sighed deeply. "It's the way these days have been, sorry." I shrugged and put my backpack on one of my shoulders.

"Ugh!" She gave a small cry of rage. "Don't remind me of that. If I had Blake in front of me, I would kick him in those balls that he has for decoration." She murmured with a lot of anger and, although it seemed a little funny to me, I just let out air through my nose.

"True, because it's not like he knows how to use them..." I scoffed and we both laughed while walking out of the studio. My phone beeped with a text from Ian.

"Are you sexting?" I frowned at my best friend's question.

"What the hell is that?" She laughed as she lowered the security gate.

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