12: The feelings.

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I quickly walked out of the bathroom when I realized I was in the men's one, but first went back in, this time to the women's, to empty my bladder.

I needed it more than ever and I guessed it had been because of the size of...

"All good, beautiful?" Ian talked to me when I came out to meet him in the hall.

"Perfectly." I sighed in relief.

"You're a little late." That confused me and he showed me the watch on his wrist as he lifted his jacket sleeve.

"How is it four thirty already!?" I exclaimed. "Fuck, Abby's gonna kill me." I complained looking at the ceiling and closing my eyes momentarily.

"You can always put the blame on me." We started walking.

"Don't worry, at least I will bear these consequences." I sighed. "By the way..." I muttered.

"Is there something bothering you?" I nodded and he grabbed my hand.

"Well..." I looked at his fingers intertwined with mine and felt comforted. "We'll have to tell Eleanor too." He stopped walking and stared at me.

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow and I mimicked him stunned.

"Because she is your wife, perhaps?" I said with irony and he nodded as understanding as we walked again, this time without intertwining hands.

"Of course you don't know because Blake doesn't know either..." He muttered to himself and looked at me. "Ellie and I divorced years ago." Due to the shock I stopped my step, he walked a little more, but he also stopped when he saw that I wasn't following him.

"What?!" He nodded and waved to me to speed up my pace. I did it, remembering that I was already late for work.

"A few years ago, like 4 or 5. Blake was starting with the whole band thing, he was very excited and was planning to go on this trip with his friends, as you know, so we didn't tell him anything to not discourage him. We stayed on good terms as good friends and decided to continue living together, but each one of us has their own separate life. We don't even sleep in the same room." He explained.

"And why haven't you guys told him yet?" He shrugged.

"We believe, and we know very well, that he is not mature enough to accept it, no matter how old he is." I agreed knowing that he was right.

"Do you think he suspects it and is that why he treats Eleanor that way?" He denied.

"No, it has always been like this, since he was a teenager. I used to get into their arguments before, but Ellie scoffed at me and told me not to do it anymore, that she could defend herself and, although I don't like the way Blake talks to her, I have to admit that she doesn't flinch." He continued to explain.

"I understand..." Still, I looked at his fingers for a wedding ring, but he didn't have one. I hadn't realized that. "Well, it's a burden I get rid of." I looked at the ring on my right hand.

"She bought it for you." I looked at him. "She wanted to give it to you at dinner, but with the argument she had with Blake, she forgot." He smiled sincerely.

"I accepted it just because of the way she asked me..." I sighed remembering. "I don't know, it was something like... Motherly?" I said with doubt.

"Are you asking me?" We chuckled together.

"I just didn't remember what it felt like, but she relieved something, made me feel something. I don't know how to explain it, it was a warm feeling." I paused briefly, remembering." She reminded me of all the times when I needed a mother and didn't have one." I looked at the ring again.

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