22: The oldest brother.

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After Ian left Blake and me in that cafeteria, everything had gone from bad to worse for the simple reason that his friends were the same thing as he was behaving lately, so all my doubts of why the way he was behaving and thinking like that were resolved that same afternoon.

They didn't stop making derogatory, harassers and sexual comments, towards both; me and any woman who passed by the cafeteria, on the sidewalk or whatever girl they were showing each other on social media on their phones.

It disgusted me, especially because Blake didn't say anything to them when they made those comments about me, his supposed girlfriend, but rather played along with them and made more comments about our sex life, which no longer exists.

I defended myself on more than one occasion against the five of them, both myself and some of those girls they were talking about, but there came a point where I remained silent, feeling terrified when they raised their voices or argued with me, since I realized that I was at a complete disadvantage.

There were five of them and I was just one.

There were also two of them, who I knew were twin brothers, who could kill me with one hand if they wanted to, since they were of my father's height and much more robust than him, which said a lot about them because my father was a big guy, especially due to genetics and because he was very active because of his work.

So that evening, almost night, one of those four disgusting friends of Blake, took us both to his house, since we came with Ian and we had no way to come back because my motorcycle was parked in his front yard.

I felt drained both personally and mentally; exhausted, tired, so worn out that I just got in my motorbike and went home without even knocking on the door to see or speak to Eleanor, as Ian was still at work due to some problems at the company.

I knew that last thing from a message that he texted me and that I read when I laid down on my sacred bed but, after answering that I had already come back home, I let myself sleep through tears.

I couldn't help but think of Blake and his friends' comments about my body; about the size of my breasts, about my mouth, my tongue, my butt or out of the physical, about the things we had done in bed.

Rather, he only told them things that I had done to him, because Blake could barely show off the things he had done, since he hardly ever did anything to me that was not the same position as always.

I felt so uncomfortable, so ashamed, so denigrated and so out of place that I had wanted to leave, but had no way of doing it and in the situation I was in, I couldn't leave Blake behind because it would be worse for me and also for Ian, because I was sure Blake would go out of his way to blame him or find an excuse to do so.

So the next day I woke up to a few missed calls from Ian last night, plus a few messages. I read them when I rubbed my eyes while waking up, but the last one said that he knew I fell asleep and wished sweet dreams.

I didn't know if I should tell him about yesterday afternoon because he was in a very delicate situation with Blake as well, not only because of what had happened between us but also because of their family relationship, and I thought telling him this would add insult to injury.

I thought it'd be more appropriate to tell him tomorrow, since it was when my vacation would start and we would have a whole week alone in the cabin, so we would be away from Blake.

We were going to talk about a lot of things there...

Anyway, I texted him to let him know that I was fine and that I fell asleep early, right after coming back home, because I hadn't been doing well these days ago, but in my head I kept that question of whether or not I should tell him about yesterday today.

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