30. The truth.

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I couldn't get Blake's words out of my head.

Did he really regret being with me that much?

Like a flash of memories, all the moments we spent together from the beginning of the relationship until a few months ago, where I thought we had both enjoyed each other's emotional company, flashed through my head like a sandstorm sweeping away everything in its path.

It wasn't enough for him just to have confessed, barely and because we caught him in the act, that he had been cheating on me more than half the time we were together, but he also had to have said that he ruined three years of his life with me.

Had I been such a bad girlfriend in the past?

My head struggled not to hurt as I felt pressure on my forehead, slight pricking on my eyelids, and a burning sensation in my throat as I held back tears.

I couldn't believe that he had just pretended, faked and feigned that he had feelings for me for three years when he didn't at all.

Why had he even started a serious romantic relationship with me in the first place?

Something clicked inside my head.

Because he just wanted me to be another one on his list of girls.

And he got it.

And he charmed me.

And I fell for it.

Luckily, Ian had finished opening my eyes a while ago and now the only thing that hurt me was thinking how foolish and naive I had been for not realizing all of this much sooner.

It hurt me to think that I had come to defend him from my friends, that I had come to defend him from my brothers, that I had come to defend him every time he said a derogatory comment that hurt me because I stood up for him thinking, and wanting to think, that his intentions they weren't those; to hurt me.

I had been completely wrong because now I knew that in fact that those were exactly his intentions, that was what he wanted from the beginning; break me like one of his many promises.

I was filled with anger and hate.

I clenched my fists until my knuckles became white and my nails dug into my own flesh as I continued to think about how innocent I was, how foolish I felt.

While I had been here, waiting for him, wanting him to come back to be with him, even if it was for two damn days, he had been cheating on me with other girls, not giving a shit what I did or what I wanted.

"Fucking son of a bitch..." I mumbled with rage and tears in my eyes.

"Aww, look who we have here..." The voice I least wanted to hear right now sounded behind me with a mocking tone.

He knew perfectly well that I was here, that I hadn't left and had just walked out of the house with this overwhelming feeling running through my body and crushing my soul.

Before I turned around to face him, I wiped my tears away with a hard, sharp gesture because I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of letting him know that he had made me cry or he had hurt me at some point, either with his harmful words or with our damaged memories.

"What the fuck do you want?" I mumbled with a frown.

"Opportunistic whore..." He murmured and approached me with strong and fast steps.

I couldn't move.

My legs were shaking with rage, as well as the rest of my body, so I just kept my fists clenched because I didn't trust him in the least, least of all at this close range.

My boyfriend's dad. ✅ [Wattys 2023!]Where stories live. Discover now