32: The epilogue.

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[5 years later]


It was a hot spring Sunday. Kay wiped the sweat off her brow with her forearm when she stood up from the ground and glanced to her right where the huge bucket was already filled with freshly picked vegetables.

There would be enough for the whole week, so she could finish there, take a shower and start making lunch since Ian, although he was doing it from home, was still working.

In fact, and despite it being Sunday, he had a video call meeting with his assistant bosses to plan tomorrow work at the office and also the rest of the week.

She didn't have to organize her work life too much since she was still doing the same routine as usual, which she loved very much, in the photography studio with her best friend.

She now turned around carrying the bucket, leaning it against her body because it was quite heavy, and she walked into the cabin to set it down on the kitchen counter with a quick step.

"Be careful, beautiful!" She heard behind her back.

"Carful, beetiful!" She heard repeated in that childish voice and she laughed because he always imitated what his dad said.

She heard Ian's laugh and then that softer one because he didn't understand what both adults were laughing at, but that was what made it adorable.

Kay turned around and saw them sitting at the table in the living room;

Ian was working on the laptop with Marc on his lap, listening to what his father was doing as if he knew or understood something he was talking about with his colleagues on the video call.

She came over smiling when Marc looked at her, so Ian did too, leaning back a little in his chair as he rested his head on the back of it.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Kay spoke stroking his hair and he smiled with that mischievousness that had always characterized him.

"Can't you wait a bit?" He spoke in a husky, low voice, almost whispering.

"I'm full of soil and dirt from cleaning and collecting the garden and now I'm going to make lunch." Ian looked her up and down.

"Do you need me to give you a hand?" He raised an eyebrow.

"To make lunch? No, no! It's fine, keep working. I already have in mind what I'm gonna do anyway." He was silent and suppressed a laugh by pressing his lips together.

"I meant in the shower..." He spoke in that lustful tone.

"Hey!" They listened beside them and both looked to see the screen of his laptop. "Little Marc is here! Have a little shame you too!" Josh, one of his friends, had called their attention with mockery. Matt and Nestor were also there, although each one in their own house.

"Hi guys!" Kay greeted the three men, ignoring the conversation she'd had with her partner minutes ago.

They greeted her back, but she immediately said goodbye to them to go to the shower and do everything she had planned to do. She placed a kiss on Ian's lips, which he made a little longer by grabbing her neck, as was so usual, and left another kiss on Marc's forehead.

When she left, Ian sighed deeply, in love, and looked down to see his son, who was looking at him not quite understanding what had just happened, so he just shook his head and concentrated on work.

"And just thinking that five years ago Kay was..." Josh started, but he didn't finish the sentence.

"Who was mommy?" The kid asked with innocence and curiosity.

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