15: The debts.

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I got on the motorbike and put my helmet on when I started it. Ian was in his car, already by my side, and waiting to follow me, even though he knew the way home from coming with me after being in the square the other night.

"Be careful, my beautiful angel." In a soft voice, he spoke to me before I lowered the glass on my helmet.

I smiled even though he couldn't see me because I loved that he cared about me, even though I had been riding motorcycles for a long time and never had any mishap, tragedy or accident, luckily.

Anyway, it never hurts for someone to tell me to be careful. Especially if that someone was for whom I had these uncontrollable and strong skin-deep feelings.

I accelerated by removing the leg that held the bike in balance and I kept it myself while I got onto the road to head home once and for all. I wanted to arrive as soon as possible, when my father was there so Ian didn't have to wait too long for him.

On the way I only heard the ambient noise of a normal night, the sounds that the helmet allowed me to hear and my own heartbeat echoing in my ears because of how fast it was beating.

I couldn't stop thinking about the situation I was experiencing and everything that was happening to me, although I forced myself to put all that aside, trusting the last thing we had spoken, what Ian had told me; Saturday, the day after dinner, we would tell Blake face to face.

It was Monday, so I would have time to get nervous as the moment approached, but what about this week? What would happen? Would we continue to see each other or would each go by our sides as if nothing happened these days?

I shook my head because I knew damn well that Ian wasn't going to let that happen just like that. We were going to see each other every damn day until that dinner. Besides, I wasn't going to let that happen either if I wanted as much as he did, even if I shouldn't.

I glanced in the rearview mirror momentarily and then forward to see a red light. The whole way it was like that, every time I stopped, I looked to the right because I always stopped next to his car.

He kept looking at me and smiling, even winking at me or looking me up and down as if we were flirting for the first time, like the first dinner at his house.

All I could do was play along with him by lifting the helmet glass; I looked at him, leaning my hands on the motorcycle and leaning forward a little with a mischievous smile while I thought "what the hell have you done to me" as I was feeling all the intensity that ran through my being when I thought of his hands, his lips, his body or him.

"Hey!" A biker, who had stopped at the same traffic light as us and was behind me, spoke.

"Hey!" I greeted him even though I didn't know him at all, but it wasn't surprising that someone greeted me simply for having the same vehicle.

"You should give him your number." He nodded at Ian.

"Excuse me?" I couldn't believe what he was saying and I wanted to laugh.

"The man with the BMW." He pointed again. "He keeps looking at you as if you were the greatest of treasures." The guy started laughing.

"Isn't she?" Ian spoke, sticking an arm out the lowered window of the car.

"Of course she is!" The biker replied with a joke.

"Do you want me to prove it?" I winked at Ian.

"If I'm honest, yes, I would love to." He played along with me while he held back a laugh.

"Oh! I think I shouldn't be listening to this conversation." The guy laughed.

I laughed with him thinking of the innocence with which he saw us. So oblivious to our true situation, so far from reality, so naive to the relationship we really had, but it was nice to put all of that aside for a few minutes.

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