20: The advices.

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Abby couldn't get the huge smirk off of her face at having annoyed Blake so much that she made him hang up the phone. She couldn't even have a straight face when they brought us the sandwich and we started to eat breakfast as usual.

Ian, on the other hand, was laughing in a whisper because he had found the situation and Blake's last response more than funny, especially knowing the conditions we were in and the tense family relationship between the two of them, but I thought I had to put some order on the table.

"You shouldn't have said that." I told Abby, she looked at me innocently.

"Didn't I tell the truth? He needs advice about sex and women. Who better than his father, who knows the body of his own girlfriend better than him?" She excused herself and I looked at Ian for him to say something too, but he just nodded as he agreed with her with a slight mocking smile.

"Yeah, Abby, you're absolutely right, but you shouldn't have said it." I confessed. "We're in a very thin and delicate situation. We can't just go on like that, giving him such direct hints of that kind." She nodded.

"But you know I can't help it. I hate him and I know he hates me too, which is why I hate him more." I had to agree with her there because it had always been that way between the two of them.

"I just hope he doesn't touch you or even try it." Ian spoke with all the seriousness he hadn't before.

"I hope so too because I just told him to ask for advice." Abby became just as serious.

I sighed and we finished our breakfast talking about other things because that's how she was. She wouldn't shut her mouth up and she didn't have filters, so she kept telling Ian about some of the stories and anecdotes that we had done over these 22 years together, even with some crazy details that I would've skipped.

He listened to her attentively, he gave me certain looks of amusement or reproach when she said something that she shouldn't and he also asked her something or other. Ian seemed interested in knowing about our stories and about my past.

I loved it and it made me happy that Ian was able to deal with Abby's crazy way of being, with herself and her open-mind without judging her at all.

I liked that he was able to get along with her so well in a totally opposite way to Blake.

We had already left that cafeteria in the middle of the city because it was neither in our neighborhood nor in his luxurious zone. We'd gotten into the car, Ian pulled away and we started to roll down the road, but we were still wondering where to go now or what to do when his phone rang.

As he was driving, he put it on speaker.

"Hello?" He answered when Abby and I kept quiet just in case it was something important or work.

"Where are you, dad?" Blake asked him. It was strange to me and I frowned at the phone, which was in a holder above the radio.

"I had to go to the office to fix some issues." He answered him. I looked away at the lie.

"Oh, yes. Grace called you at dinner last night, didn't she?" Blake had muttered. He didn't believe a word we said..

"Exactly." Ian was silent for a few seconds. "What do you need, Blake? I'm driving." He was the one who was silent this time.

"I need some advice on something..." Blake murmured almost without confidence.

A stroke of realization made me look between the front seats to see my best friend in the back, who had her hands on her mouth, holding back a really loud laugh, and I imitated her by looking forward again.

My boyfriend's dad. ✅ [Wattys 2023!]Where stories live. Discover now