23: The cabin.

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The next day, Monday, Kay turned off her cell phone alarm at 6:30 in the morning since Ian was going to pick her up at 7 and she still had things to do; get ready, take out the suitcases and prepare some last minute things.

When she sat on the bed, she stretched her body up. She got up to go to the shower, but in her mind there was only the memory of what had happened yesterday; Evan found them out.

Luckily when her oldest brother left the house, Ian stayed with her as they comforted each other until it was almost dark and her brothers Brian and Charlie came back home at the same time.

Seeing them together in the living room, they asked why he was at home and if something bad had happened, but they only gave a credible excuse; they were planning some trips and hikings for the vacation week. After that, Ian left.

Kay got out of the shower still thinking about what happened after that, when her father came home from work. Normally, he didn't tell her when he came back because it used to be very late, but yesterday, for some reason, he did.

He knocked on her door at night, past midnight, while she was on the phone with Abby to tell her everything that happened that day, and he asked if everything was okay because he had a missed call from Mrs. Walker.

Kay told him that everything was fine, that she didn't know why that lady had called him if she had been at home with Evan. It wasn't entirely true, but it wasn't entirely a lie either, and she kept her back.

If Mrs. Walker decided to talk to him and tell him that she had been at home with a man who didn't match Blake's description, she could say it was Evan.

She was a very old lady and she could have easily been confused by not remembering my brother, Kay thought.

Jayden was not convinced at all because he knew something was wrong with her daughter for a long time. However he let it be because he didn't want to force her to do anything. She would tell him if she saw fit or necessary, as she had always done.

Now, Kay went to her room and she began to dress in clean clothes without knowing very well what to wear to go to a cabin in the middle of the forest; short jeans, short boots, a crop top and an open plaid shirt on top. Nothing out of the ordinary or too extravagant.

She thought of Blake.

He texted her last night saying that he had already landed and that she had not been there, at the airport, to see him off. She lied to him, as it was already so normal in that relationship, and told him that a serious family problem had happened.

He didn't text her back.

She left the room with a suitcase, more like a large bag, and the photography backpack on her shoulder, since she was preparing it while she thought about all of that.

She was going to be in a cabin in the woods for a week, so she couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some good snapshots.

She sat at the kitchen counter just as a knuckle knocked at the front door and Charlie, who was already up and having breakfast, went to open it, so she knew she didn't even have time to sit down for breakfast.

She poured herself a cup of cold milk as she looked over to see Ian walking in and greeting her twin brother. He was wearing comfortable and very casual clothes for him; a V-neck t-shirt showing the clavicles and part of the beginning of his pectorals, a worn out jean and short boots.

She had to turn her head around so that Charlie wouldn't see the open-mouthed flushed stupid face she'd gotten from seeing how attractive and sexy he was that way.

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