24: The meeting.

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The rest of the afternoon until night they stayed in the cabin, but at a distance.

Ian had been at the table in the living room with the laptop, working for the rest of the day, while Kay went upstairs to unpack and put her clothes in the closet, only to find out that his clothes were already there.

They smelled of his perfume and she knew perfectly well that those were his, they couldn't be Blake's because they were bigger and way more formal style that he didn't use.

Then she understood that this was the room Ian stayed in when he slept there and she thought about asking him if he wanted to switch it, but she also thought that Blake didn't know that his parents were divorced and that they slept in different rooms, so she didn't say anything to him so that the microphones didn't catch the conversation.

Kay thought that if she wanted to talk to Ian it was going to have to be when they went on a hike or a field trip because in there she wasn't going to be able to say anything to him.

She wasn't going to be able to tell him that Blake came back this last time with an empty suitcase nor what had happened when she hung out with him and his friends, nor that he had texted her yesterday because she didn't go to the airport to say goodbye to him nor that her father and Brian were starting to suspect that something was wrong.

Kay couldn't talk to Ian about anything.

At night they had dinner in the dining room inside the house, since at that time of the night it was too cold outside to be on the terrace or on the porches, and they were almost in silence eating something that Ian had made again.

He didn't let her cook the first day because she was the guest, although he did let her wash what they had used when she insisted on helping, smiled 'innocently' and begged him in that familiar way that made it so difficult for him to refuse.

After dinner and cleaning up, she turned the television on to a random channel to clear her mind when he went to take a shower first, but she couldn't focus on the show she was watching knowing that Blake might be watching her.

Kay felt like she was in a reality show, but worse.

On top of the couch was a blanket that she used to roll herself up in because it was quite cold even inside the cabin, since Ian hadn't yet turned on the thermostat he'd mentioned earlier and she didn't know where it was or how to do it herself.

She got a message to the cell phone that she was holding in her hands.

Although she had a movie on TV as background noise, she was using it to distract her mind and thoughts by all means, but she was just checking social media and texting Abby about the bad news. Her best friend was furious with Blake. More than she already used to be.

Kay put her bare feet to the sofa, bending her knees to put the phone between them, covering it with the blanket secretly so that it would be seen as little as possible on the cameras, just in case any of them captured the screen of it from the zenithal view of the whole house on all corners.

The message was from Ian.

It was a video.

She should've thought twice before hitting the play button while she lowered the volume because mistrust got the better of her, but her head was not thinking about what she had to think but about Blake and that he might be watching her right now.

The small screen of her phone showed the image of Ian in the shower. She could only see him from his mouth down, way down, just below his hips.

One of his hands was leaning against the wall above the phone and the other one was wrapped around his boner, squeezing it and moving it up and down with some quickness.

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