26. The cameras.

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The way back was calmer and quieter than the one to go, especially because of the pain that Kay had in her back that didn't allow her to walk properly.

In fact, Ian carried her in his arms for a few miles, enough to put her back down before they got there, but they still had some way to go.

Either way, they couldn't get to the cabin like that.

Or could they?

Kay stopped in the middle of the path when there was very little to go, but she couldn't take another step because of that damage she had.

She constantly brought her hand to the lower part of her back, stopped her step momentarily and straightened her body up to arch a little, as if she was stretching, to try to calm those constant pangs.

She felt a very strong intense pain in her lower back, especially in the right part of it, and she knew that she had hurt herself a lot for having done what they did on that damn stone on the shore of the lake.

Ian looked at her when he saw her bringing her hand back to the area with a pained expression on her face and he carried her again in his arms without asking or notifying her because he knew how difficult it was for her to walk like that. He didn't want her to keep hurting herself more.

He had the big backpack on his shoulders, Kay carried in his arms and her photography backpack on top of her, who had it on backwards so she would not have to carry that weight on her back but on her chest.

"We can't get there like this..." She began in a whisper, but clinging closer to Ian's neck.

"You've hurt yourself and I'm helping you, that's it. It could have happened to anyone." He said casually.

"But the cameras..." Ian cut her off.

"I don't care at all, beautiful. I'm just helping you, there's nothing wrong. Blake doesn't have to know our reasons." He was trying to downplay it.

"Knowing him, you know he'll do a number on us if he sees that we get to the cabin like this." Ian shrugged with absolutely indifference.

"He can't do it. We are not supposed to know that there are cameras and that he is watching us, right? He can't do a number on us, because then he would be letting us know that he has been spying on us. Illegally, of course." Kay nodded slowly.

"What if you turn off the power?" She asked. "Maybe then the cameras will be turned off and we can have a few moments alone or..." Her voice started to lose strength because she didn't know if those things worked like that.

"I've already thought about it, but then we'd be left without appliances, without hot water and without Internet." He explained.

"For too long?" She asked again with some hope.

"I don't know. Food and hot water is not a problem that worries me much, honestly. The only thing I do know for sure is that the cameras have a built-in battery for these types of situations. In case the power suddenly goes out, they can continue working. Security matters." He kept explaining and Kay nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, but they won't be eternal, will they?" Ian halted his pace and looked at her. "I mean, I don't quite understand much of these high-class things, but those batteries will die out at some point." He thought she was right.

"Dammit, I've been so focused on other things that I hadn't thought about it..." He murmured a bit annoyed with himself.

"Also, nowadays we don't need Wi-Fi to have Internet on the phone. You can work from there even for a few hours, one day maybe... Or... Well, I don't know if that's going to..." She left the sentence hanging in the air without knowing what else to say. She didn't want to mess with Ian's work, much less his professional projects.

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