7: The airport.

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The knocks on the other side of the bedroom door made me react and think about the consequences of what I had just done, but I still couldn't think coherently because my mind kept processing everything that I had felt within the four walls of that damn kitchen room.

"Hello, love? Are you there?" Blake knocked again when I was putting my pants on.

I appreciated he hadn't come in yet because if he had, he would've seen my sticky thighs, especially from behind, and right now I couldn't let him do it. I couldn't tell him what had happened, couldn't let him know.

Shaking my head to clear my face of relaxation and satisfaction, I tapped my cheeks lightly with the palms of my hands. I needed to react to Blake's call.

"I'm changing!" I said thinking that I needed an immediate shower.

Another one.

I would do that once I got home because I wasn't going to shower here again, with what excuse this time? I've been in the pool? No, I wasn't going to make up excuses for what I had done.

Enough things had happened this weekend in this house and enough things I had just done right now with my father-in-law.

I needed to get away from this place and the sooner the better.

Blake opened the door and walked into the room when I grabbed the sleeves' holes of my shirt and was about to pull it over my head, but I didn't have time.

He looked me up and down and I thought he knew it. He knew what I had done with his father in the pool and then in the kitchen, he knew that I had been sitting on top of his father, he knew that his father's fingers had fuc...

"Did you have that bikini here?" He pointed at me with a puzzled gesture because I had never worn it before and I looked myself up and down.

"No." I sounded too harsh, so I had to soften my voice. "No, your dad told me that your mom had bought it for herself, but it didn't fit her so he gave it to me." He nodded and I pulled on my shirt.

"Good thing to know, because it's a bit..." He didn't finish talking.

"A bit what?" I asked without understanding.

"Nothing, it's just that I don't understand why you wear those small bikinis and not a full bathing suit, love". I raised an eyebrow.

"I use them because I want to." I answered simply and somewhat annoyed by the comments he was making lately.

"Okay, it seems you didn't calm down enough." He murmured aloud so that I could hear him.

I wanted to continue answering and arguing, but he approached me with a frown and his hands on his hips, which made me swallow and breathe hard.

"Are you still uptight or what?" He tried to grab my shoulders, but I pulled away from him and went to the desk where my stuff was.

"Yes." I said with a sharp voice.

"So, didn't the pool work on you?" And I remembered the moment.

I remembered sitting on top of his dad as he grabbed my thighs as if he liked them and loved them. It was very satisfying and comforting that he did that because my thighs were one of my biggest insecurities.

I remembered putting sunscreen on him, caressing his chest, abdomen and torso in general. I remembered how he had sat behind me, his whispering in my ear, his hands on my back.

I remembered that not only could there be sexual tension between the two of us, we could also speak in a civilized way; like when we were in the kitchen when Blake was gone or in the water talking about him.

My boyfriend's dad. ✅ [Wattys 2023!]Where stories live. Discover now