5: The conversation.

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I tossed and turned in bed because I couldn't sleep even if I got paid for it.

A few hours had passed since the encounter with Ian in the kitchen when he said that last sentence that kept revolving around my head along with the whole conversation we had had, seconds before Eleanor's steps interrupted and made us put some distance between us.

She didn't come into the kitchen, luckily. She just called Ian from the stairs to ask him if he was here. After that, he moved away from me and left for his room, I supposed, taking the plate with the sandwich he was preparing when I came in earlier.

For my part, I still had stayed there with my back yet against the wall, afraid to move and, even if this might sound strange, turned on. A lot. I was so horny that my crotch hurt me and I couldn't take away that pain, not even closing my legs with all my strength.

I couldn't think about anything else to distract myself because that moment kept replaying over and over and over again in my mind in a loop, imagining what could've possibly happened if we hadn't been interrupted by his wife.

It turned me on that he had said that to me. It turned me on that he had been so self-assured, commanding and bold because, being honest, that man was a sculpture made by God's hands himself and he didn't even hesitate of what he was saying to me.

I didn't hesitate that he would be able to do so, actually, and I was so needy these days that I believed him even if he was lying, showing off or just playing with me.

When he left the kitchen behind, I had to calm myself down. I was overwhelmed and put my hands on my cheeks to feel the heat accumulated on them. I didn't know if it was due to my excitement or the blush taking over my whole body.

Moreover, when he left, I could take back the breath that had left my lungs because of the tiny distance separating us and that I had wanted to shorten until it was none.

I wanted to think the distance had any effect on him too and he had wanted to break it as well otherwise, why would he do that? He didn't have any reason to come closer to me in that intimate and provocative way if he didn't want to do something more.

Or, perhaps, it just amused him to see me like that as he played with me and my vulnerability.

As soon as I could, I put myself back together, I drank three more cups of water and threw a little more over my face and hair. I needed to lower my body temperature or it wouldn't do good for me.

Remembering what happened in just twenty minutes, my breath was heavy again, my heartbeat increased and my crotch throbbed.

I couldn't take it off my head and I gave a quick look at Blake sleeping next to me oblivious to everything. I felt so guilty.

Even when I was really upset with him, I felt guilty of what was happening to me, that his father had turned me on in that strong way with just a few words, without touching me at all.

Then I remembered that he did, he did touch my face, my cheek, and I caressed it when I thought what he had told me after, that my consent was important for him.

When I thought about it, a smile appeared on my face and my stomach felt ticklish because he took me into account, me and my consent.

It was a nice gesture for him to do but, right now, I didn't give a shit about my own consent because my mind and sexual desires kept going back to the last moment we shared, those inches of separation between our bodies and those last seconds he told me that sentence.

The good thing about all of this, if there was something good about the fact that my father-in-law had turned me on with words way more than my own boyfriend with gestures, was that; it was only words and some subtle meetings.

My boyfriend's dad. ✅ [Wattys 2023!]Where stories live. Discover now