17: The motherly.

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I opened my eyes looking at the ceiling. Yesterday, obviously, I didn't send any video or picture to Blake showing him if I was actually with his mother or where I was going to sleep because yes, I slept in Ian's room with him.

I looked up to see that I was holding one of his legs, as he was sitting on the bed, his back against the wall while stroking my head gently. He smirked at me.

"Good morning, my beautiful." He murmured, grabbing my arms to remove them from his leg so he could lie down next to me.

"What time is it?" I wondered if he had let me sleep longer.

"6 o'clock. You still have time. The important thing here is how you are feeling." He asked, leaving a kiss on my forehead.

Yesterday, when we said goodnight to Eleanor and went up to his room, with the intention of sleeping at first, I couldn't help taking out all the nerves that had accumulated in my chest in the form of tears.

I had to vent about everything that was happening and the conversation I just had with Blake. Then I wanted Ian to make me forget absolutely everything, so I understood his question.

"I don't want to pick him up at the airport." I confessed when I hugged his neck.

"Let me do it then." I felt his hands caressing my back covered with his shirt.

"I told him I'd go with Eleanor." I pulled away to see him, who was on his back, so I leaned on his chest. "If you're the one who shows up after what happened last night, baby, it'll be worse for both of us." A knock sounded on the door.

"Kay, are you awake?" Eleanor spoke in a low voice.

"You can come in." Ian spoke, giving her permission and she did so without looking inside. "You can look too, Ellie. It's okay." She looked over her shoulder slowly. I laughed at her reaction and exchanged glances with Ian.

"Oh, thank goodness." Eleanor put a hand to her chest in relief. "I made something for breakfast before we went to pick up Blake, as we agreed." I nodded.

"I'll be there in two minutes, as soon as I change." I sat on the bed.

"We have a lot to talk about, my darling." She smiled, making me do it too, and left the door half open.

"Am I the topic you both have to talk about, my beautiful?" Ian caught my eye and I looked back to see him raise an eyebrow.

"I don't know..." I shrugged in fake innocence.

When I tried to get up, he pulled my arm back until I was fully laying on top of him. He started to kiss me and put his hands on my lower back, only covered by underwear, to caress down my thighs. He spread them until he passed them over one of each sides of his body.

"I gotta go..." I murmured against his lips.

"No." He giggled, putting his hands up inside my shirt.

"Yeah... And you... You... Have to go... To work..." I tried to say between kisses and his caresses at my sides. His hands went up to the side of my breasts and back down to my hips.

"Wait a bit, beautiful, please..." He spoke with that cuddly tone.

"Don't talk to me like that, my baby. You know, that is my biggest weakness." We laughed knowingly when he nuzzled his nose with mine.

"I just need you 5 more minutes..." He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes when a soft moan left my lips.

When I slightly turned my head to give Ian better access to continue kissing it, I glanced toward the door to see that Eleanor was there, serious expression on her face, and arms crossed because I hadn't gotten up yet, so I did it and straddled Ian with hands on his chest.

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