29. The naivety.

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I walked out of the ice cream parlor with my head down thinking about how I hadn't realized before that Blake had been cheating on me for two years out of the three we'd been in a relationship.

I'd been agonizing over and over what I'd been doing with Ian behind his back, not knowing how to tell him or when, thinking a thousand times how he was going to react to the news.

However, it turned out that he was doing the same thing and for much longer without any remorse because I hadn't seen any intention of him repenting or stopping what he had been doing.

Walking at a fast pace, knowing that Ian was following me closely, I reached the plaza with the skateboard ramps, where we had met at the beginning, but I did not walk in it as such, I only approached some benches that were in the park next to it, a little away from the noise.

I threw my backpack and motorbike helmet on the bench in rage, but I couldn't sit down because some kind of rush was possessing my whole body, so I stood pacing back and forth with my hands on my face until Ian came over and took the hands off of my face to hug me.

"I'm sorry..." He apologized for what had just happened.

"It's not your fault your son is an asshole." I moved away and looked up at the sky with my hands going through my hair, still thinking about how foolish I had been in the past.

"Beautiful, we haven't been saints either." I nodded and looked at him. His face showed concern. Maybe he thought that I still had feelings for Blake, so I had to clear it up.

"It doesn't hurt me to have seen him with someone else right now, baby. I don't care at all. I couldn't care less, actually." He sighed deeply in relief.

"I see..." He agreed.

"It hurts me that he has been cheating on me for two years!" I exclaimed, losing my temper a bit. "Two fucking years out of three we've been together! I wasted two years of my life with someone who didn't wanna be with me! 'Cause while I was waiting for him to come to spend at least one weekend together, he was fucking others girls!!" I exclaimed angrily again.

"Easy, beautiful. Come here." He hugged me again and I let myself be hugged while the tears of rage and impotence slipped down my face.

His head rested on mine and he left certain kisses in my hair as he held me gently, firmly, letting me know that he was right here with me.

I didn't want to break the moment because I felt calm despite the damn news I had just found out, despite everything that was going through my head and everything that continued to make sense in my memories;

That's why the first day, when Ian found us out the very first time, Blake had been so nervous.

That's why that day at his house he had been paying more attention to his phone than to me and that's why he left; because he was meeting with another girl, not with his friends as he had told me.

That's why he had been so distant with me, with those comments and with that derogatory attitude about my clothes, my makeup or any minimal comment that came out of my mouth; because Blake didn't want me and he didn't know how to leave me.

That was why he had come with an empty suitcase before the cabin; because he was already here with her and was just pretending, so Ian's reasoning that day when we saw the records from the cabin's security cameras matched up perfectly.

It was clear that the girl wasn't to blame for anything. The only damn guilty one was him for taking advantage of us; both from me for taking me 'for granted' every time he came back home and from them for hiding that he was already in a relationship with me.

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