6: The pool.

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I finished showering with the automatic mode on, since I couldn't get out of my mind what I had talked and what had happened with Ian, and I went to the room again, but neither Blake nor his things were here.

The only thing I could do was leave the room, open-eyed all the time in case Ian was around, since I didn't know how would I look at him after the two situations we had experienced together; one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom.

Then I thought clearly about it as I stood at the top of the stairs. Obviously he was around since it was his house, but I didn't want to bump into him and have another intense burning moment haunting my head, torturing my mind.

I had enough with the last two and I didn't know if I wanted a third one because...

"Because" what?


I couldn't have a third encounter with him because I didn't know what might happen.

I didn't know what I would be capable of. I didn't know what we would be able to do if a third moment happened between us again, especially now that I knew it wasn't just me, it was something he felt too.

I felt horrible despite not having done anything, explicitly, behind Blake's back. It had only been a few gestures, a few words and nothing more, right?

Did that mean something?

Blake wasn't such a bad person, he didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be disrespected like that. He definitely didn't deserve that we couldn't respect boundaries and distances, that he was my boyfriend and that he was also his son.

Besides, what about Eleanor? I hadn't taken her into account at all and now I felt worse thinking of her, how good person she was to me, how kind she had been to me and how miserable I could feel for her.

But how can I not be attracted to that man? He was physically wonderful and able to respect my space if I needed.

Also, he intimidate me, turned me on like no one before, made me so nervous that I couldn't think coherently. He had that effect on my being that made me want to do everything with him except wanting to be respected.

However, I couldn't let that show from the outside or let anyone else notice. Someone other than him, of course, who already knew it well enough, so I just had to stay calm and let time decide.

When I got downstairs, Blake was in the kitchen with Ian. My boyfriend was sitting at the table drinking a cup of something unfamiliar until the smell of coffee hit me as his father was drinking it standing up, leaning on the counter.

"Come here, love. Dad has made coffee for everyone." He pulled out a chair next to him and I took a seat.

"Thanks, Mr. Collins, but I don't drink coffee." I said politely, keeping calm.

"Oh, don't you?" He said with a frown and I shook my head. "Why didn't you tell me this, Blake?" He asked his son, who was staring at his phone.

"I didn't remember." He said with zero interest.

He hadn't even looked up to answer and I sighed thinking how could he not remember that if we had been together for three years and he had never seen me drinking it because I've never ordered it.

"Would you like something else for breakfast, Katie?" I looked at Ian. "I can do whatever you want me to." He didn't even hide the smile on his lips, unlike me, who tried not to smile by biting my bottom lip.

"My dad is a very good chef." Blake spoke without looking up from the screen. "Tell him what you want and he'll do it for you." I looked back at Ian, who returned the gesture.

My boyfriend's dad. ✅ [Wattys 2023!]Where stories live. Discover now