9: The bittersweet.

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Ian had insisted on taking me home even though we were in two separate vehicles and I couldn't refuse because, basically, it had been impossible to convince him that nothing was going to happen to me and that I was going to get there safe and sound.

Along the way I thought about what I had said to Blake. I didn't know why I was so spontaneous, I didn't know why I had been so cold and rough, why I couldn't think twice before I said what I said, although why had I even said that to him?

I was stupid.

Of course I loved him and it wasn't because of his money!

Then why? Why did I love him? There had to be something and now I couldn't think of anything because my mind could only remember his last behavior towards me this whole weekend.

Was it true that I no longer knew? Were things coming to an end between us?

I couldn't let it end like this. Blake had been very important to me for years. We had been a couple for 3, but we had been friends a few more, like about 5.

There definitely had to be some reason I loved him and now I was stuck. I couldn't think straight.

First of all, I had to be honest with him. I had to tell him what had happened with Ian, I had to apologize to him for what I said and most importantly for what I had done.

I wanted to think that I told him all of that because I wasn't having a good time, because I was upset and mentally exhausted. I didn't measure the words or think about them.

But then I arrived at the main gate of my house. Before parking, I looked over my shoulder that Ian was pulling the car to the side, so I was able to park the motorbike in the same place as I usually did.

His car, a brand new BMW 7-series, stood out a lot in the neighborhood and I didn't want him to be around much longer. He already had risked enough by leaving it at the square. Luckily no one was passing by this time at night.

I turned off the engine, put the lock on the back wheel and took off my helmet to take it home with me. I didn't want people to be able to steal it from me for having left it on the motorcycle, since I had the other one in the trunk and it didn't fit both.

I looked up at the windows of my house and saw light coming from them. I knew my father was working, so it had to be Charlie and Brian, but I didn't understand why all the lights were on.

Not wanting to make them worry anymore, I started to think of some other plan to make things work, both at home and with Blake, but Ian called me from the car and I came over, at least to thank him for tonight and to say goodbye.

"Thanks, Ian." I said, bending down to put the helmet on the ground. I rested my arms on the outside of his door, which had the glass down, and my chin on my forearms.

"My pleasure. I hope everything is better tomorrow, beautiful." I was starting to like him calling me like that and I was getting used to it.

"I'd let you come in, but I think everything's gonna be a total disaster right now." I sighed deeply.

"Don't worry, I'll pass by another day if you let me." He caressed my head, ruffling my hair a bit.

It felt really loving and cute the way he just did that, so a shy smile appeared on my face until I realized something.

"Oh, by the way, could you apologize for me?" He frowned. "With Eleanor. Because of the airport thing..." I clarified.

"There is no reason to apologize. She understood perfectly, but I'll let her know anyway if you'll feel better that way." He talked in a sweet voice.

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