3: The in-laws.

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I finished taking a shower and my stomach felt so nauseous from how nervous I was that I wanted to throw up all the food I ate that day.

I had a swirl of emotions and I didn't know if they were good ones, so I decided to calm myself down and go to my room with a towel around my body to finish getting dressed there.

It wasn't good for me to keep standing in front of the mirror to watch my reflection as I overanalyzed all the actions and thoughts that crossed my mind today and yesterday's night.

I looked at my closet and I placed my hand on the knob to open as I deeply sighed. Couldn't afford to buy new clothing due all the debt we were in, so I had to search in the back of it until I found something decent.

The dress I found was slightly short for my actual taste as I bought it a few years ago, maybe more than I thought, and my body had grown since. At that moment, it was up to my knee and now it was up to my mid thick thighs.

The dress' color was a dark red, strapless cut but the sleeves followed the straight cut to my arms, where they had a lace border type-thing. For more details, on the chest part, there were some crossed strips like a corset.

That color wouldn't look bad with my almost whole tattooed body and I didn't have anything fancier so I had to use it even if it didn't look good.

I closed the closet's door and looked at myself in the mirror when I placed the dress over my body as I thought that, probably, it was the fanciest thing I had to make a good impression tonight.

I left it on the bed and I threw the towel away. After I put on the waist down underwear, I let go of the strips on the chest, I wore it like a shirt and I adjusted it until it fitted to my body way more than I had in mind, especially the upper part.

I looked at myself in the mirror again as I put the 'corset' strips back and tried to close and tighten them up a bit, but they couldn't close all the way due the size of my bust, bigger than usual.

Another insecurity.

After a few minutes of fighting with those strips, I figured out how to lace them in front of my chest, since I had to make it work because I didn't have anything moderately worthy to wear for this dinner with that fancy family.

Besides I didn't think I had anything much better or more elegant than this, so I had to settle for what little I had.

I chose the most simple and safest thing as my shoes; black high heels. That way I could easily reach Blake's height, although he wasn't much taller than me, he was a normal guy; 5'7 or 5'8 and I was 5'3.

I fixed my blue hair to try and make it look decent. Normally it was frizzy and layered, so it was kind of difficult to keep it in place and I used to tie it up almost all the time.

I let it loose down on half my back and thought it was very simple, so I grabbed almost all of it and passed to the right side of my head, making it a bit wavier. I wanted it to look a little more worked, despite not being at all.

In terms of makeup, I did want it to look simpler than my hairstyle, so I just tried to highlight my gray clear eyes, black eyeliner, some blush and a red color, not too intense, for my lips.

I needed to look good because I didn't want to make a worse impression than yesterday. Meeting the father of Blake, my boyfriend's dad, was something awkward in itself, but with the situation in which he found us both times it was so much worse.

The moment was replaying in my head over and over and over again since I got up this morning, even from last night. I could swear I had even dreamed about it.

My boyfriend's dad. ✅ [Wattys 2023!]Where stories live. Discover now