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 "Is that juice?" Asks Norah, clearly trying to make comfortable conversation. And probably curious about what Star has been drinking ever since our departure.

Why have I not connected my phone to the car speaker?

"Can you check my bag for my phone?" I ask Norah.

"Okay... just gimme a mo- Nope! Its not there." She notifies me.

We we're almost halfway to the airport. Going back wasn't an option.

My phone had the last copies of photos my dad and I took before he passed. And I haven't uploaded them to my drive yet. I can't lose that device. Pulling over in the middle of nowhere was not a good idea but neither was me driving with divided attention.

"Just give me a few seconds to just recheck my bag for the phone." I reason with Star and Norah and they both just shrug it off.

Its over five minutes and I still can't find that stupid phone, must've left it when I carried the last bag down stairs while Norah was filming star and I. but I- oh, yeah! those hands... damn those eyes!

"Sorry guys, guess it's back at the house. Anyway, let's go now. We don't have much time." I give up my search and curse myself internally. 'totally deserve more than just a theoretical curse right now.

"Star, Belt please." I say to her as I revive the engine, and she hardly pays me any attention. It is quite a chilly night and I have to confess the cool air is helping my rising panic attack just enough to keep me in control of this internal war I have going on inside of me on how and what I will do to replace all my lost information and media I had on the phone.
I have little recollection of my last moments with my Dad.

Guess I can just get the cleaner at the beach house to send them to New York first thing tomorrow morning.

We we're now able to see the city lights from a shorter distance probably ten minutes away or so.

"I see someone is quite sleepy," Norah laughs lightly while positioning her camera to capture a sleeping Star.

"Wake her up, will you?" I order but it falls on deaf ears. The road is clear and it looks like that for miles. I need to wake her up before she falls over. So I try shaking her lightly. "Wake up! Norah could you put that freaking thing away and wake her up?" I fluster.

"No way am I touching a sleeping pig, that's whack!" she squeals.

"ugh!" I shrug and concentrate on driving when two huge trucks drive passed us so fast, you'd think there was something chasing the huge vehicles. But of course, trucks dominate the routes at such odd hours.

Another group of at least four similar trucks are in view just a few meters ahead, till out of the blue, the second truck loses its control and moves into our lane but I manage to swerve past it off the tar road and driving right back into our lane than the last one hits right into our side, seems i swerved too hard and the car flips over twice before we collide into something so hard that the bang sound makes me lose my sense of hearing. I'm so disoriented that it's hard to gain my bearings.

Wind sweeps past with the scent of blood, sweat, burning gas, lavender and wild trees as light showers of rain begin to pour. How long was I out?
Did I even pass out?
'Is the world upside down?' All I see is a bright light from the blurry bonnet and looking right to Star and I'm met with shattered glass and an empty seat.

'Blurry? bright bonnet? What is going on. Am I dead? Wait, I'm still thinking like a fool so no...the sharp sting in my ears is all that reminds me of being alive and my sense of smell clearly overshadows every other.

'Norah? Where's Norah?' I quickly turn my head and I regret the act as soon as I feel a burning sensation in my chest and my head is throbbing like hell. And realize I really am upside down.

"Norah?" I manage to whisper-shout but still find myself alone with no response.

"Help me!" I hear an agonized cry from outside the car.

'Outside? That must be Star or Norah, I need to find them. They need my help.'

I attempt to leave me seat but my seatbelt is not barging.

'Shit!' but I try again and It finally gives out. And I fall so hard I can't help but cry out.

Walking out of this situation is no piece of cake! How do movies make it look so easy?

Luckily the door opened without a fuss. Seriously how DO movies make it look so easy?

'they have stunt doubles and makeup!' my logic chimes in.

'shut up' I retort as I hear another cry from the a few feet away from the wreck towards the clearing near the tarmark..

"Star? Is that you?" But no one responds, so I head towards to second cry when the wreck explodes from behind me and that's when I see who was trapped under the wrecked and now burning SUV.

'NO, NO... NO!'

"No, no-no-no-no-no-no-no...! you can't Do this to me. No! please don't do this! Please! Not you!" I somehow find the strength to rush over to her bruised body. She's limb and almost lifeless. I feel her struggled breaths and I know she's still alive, I check her pulse and she's got a very faint one.

I try to move the wreck off her but its too heavy and it's getting heated. Wasting no time I search for a log I could use. I try so hard but each time the log snaps in half. Till I look back at her and notice the gap on her left side. I gather more logs and begin to insert them into the gap to create more space on her right as the car finally begins to raise from the ground on both her sides.

I attempt to pull her out a few times when I feel my consciousness drifting. 'please we can't stop now'.

Searching around once more I manage to locate a larger log. The rain is increasing but I don't give into the call to a peaceful state of unconsciousness. After placing the log, I finally pull her out and begin to perform CPR as soon as I notice her breathing has seized.

My trauma and phobia all go put the window, I know is she can't leave me now.

'please don't leave me like this! At least no right now!

I continue to perform the compressions till her chest heaves and she takes in a huge intake of breathing and I see cars approaching. 'thank god!'

I pull myself towards the road and wave my hands high as they go when I make it to the lane we were in before whatever this was happened. I stare back at Star who laid at a safer distance from where I had pulled out Norah from and she wasn't breathing or showing any sign of movement.

'OH GOSH SERIOUSLY? How on earth did she get out?' I freaked and my heart thumped so hard in my chest my breathing became even more ragged as I fell to the ground in the middle of the road while the lights and sound of engines neared. All I felt was a pair of hands carry me. Before i heard myself saying, "I'm sorry, I tried to...I didn't mean to!" and blacked out.

'who the heck says that before fainting? should have kissed that cute ass pile of meat before leaving the house you nun!' was the last thought that flooded my mind as I gladly welcomed the blissful fall into an eternal darkness. 


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Terry sorry for the late update.

Norah you made me cry when writing this.😉🤦‍♀️😪

negative critics just go lurk around elsewhere, i'm not known for my tolerance😁😁😁😒

thank you😍🥰😘

next update will be tomorrow evening.😫🤨😏

2 chapters coming, let's get this dead girl into a coffin!😅 star sorry. i'll miss you.

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