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A minute turned into five and then an hour...

Took a complete hour and half for him to get back, not that I was counting.

"Look at me. please." he pleaded again. We've been at it for some time now and I was honestly enjoying this.

"You know, am not known for being patient and gentle. I think I've asked for your attention politely, long enough. I guess it's time we finished this." He stood from his seat and got onto my bed. Where I was lying facing the opposite side.

Wait. On my-

"uh-what are you doing?" I yelled as he turned me to him so lightly like I didn't weigh a thing and placed my legs on either side of his hips after he places his hand on my elbows while he made himself comfortable and I sit-straddling him.

Oh, this is actually comfy. Wonder why I never got to do this sooner.

"You know that we have issues, I like you, I always have but we both have a lot of baggage we need to sort out as soon as possible. So, we're heading back to New York and this is just between you and me. No Mercy, no Christopher, just us!" he gestured between our too intimate setting.

It wasn't surprising, to get such a response regardless of all our public displays and weird tension. But we've been friends for quite a while and we know each other way beyond our own understanding. The last thing either of us would do is rush this.

"Why didn't you?" I ask suddenly out of the blue.

"Why didn't I what? Ask you out? We both know why." He speaks with so much that all the sexual tension we had going on faded.

We were back to being our usual amused selves and it was comfortable if not funny.

"We are being watched, aren't we?" I ask so close to his face I try as hard as I can not to lean just a little more as my arms hung on to his.

"Absolutely so, now can we leave here already, I have a lot of unsettled issues with you. Shall we?" He tries to pull away when I thrust myself towards him while gripping his biceps on either side, immediately getting his attention and stops his previous attempt. At this position, am no longer sit-straddling but right on him type of straddling. And that tension we thought was gone was intensified a hundred-fold now.

"But isn't it too early to be discharged? I mean, I did have a head injury, right?" I ask in a teasing tone I never thought I'd hear myself use again.

I guess the girl in me didn't die like I thought she did.

It's official, am a freak now.

"It is healed now, I'll let you know everything when we get home, okay." Say as he teases my ear with his warm breath. Who knew oxygen could be sexy?

So, I wrap my arms around his neck before stealing an absolute breathtaking kiss and lifting myself off him to get my toiletries from the restroom and change into more public friendly clothing.


Six hours later we were back in New York and headed to Jaden and Mercy's apartment building. Luckily, we all stayed right in the heart of the city because of our weird working schedules and good pay.

Weirdly all members of our circle came from extremely wealthy families only funny thing was less than a hand full took up careers in their family businesses. I for one, was the least interested but luckily my father was just as ecstatic about technology as he was about pharmaceutical investments, Very.

I wasn't working for any of his companies because I like to avoid having to bump into sexy Jackie, firstly. Secondly, I am not known for my family's name because I use my mother's maiden name instead of my father's surname and it was very easy to escape while I could but I only have two more years before I'm forced to take over the family business according to my father's will. 

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