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DAY 28


A darkness had lurched itself to me and I couldn't feel anything around me for a while. 'Those hands...'I recall and I fight to open my eyes just once and I actually do. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I'm not in the warmth of 'those hands' anymore rather a not so comfy bed keeps me afloat. The light bursts through the open window, too much it blinds me momentarily.

"Star..." I try to speak but only a raspy sound leaves my lips.

"Where's Star?" I try again and this time my throat cracks and I feel a burn erupt in my neck. Geez, that seriously hurts like a motherf-

"Thernicy, are you awake now?" Somewhere to my right someone says and I hear them approach me. Something in me doesn't settle well with a stranger in my room, likely a hospital room from the unusual setting of plain whites and little personal details to enhance the cream walls and original scented bleaches overpowering the natural fresh air blowing into the room at a gentle and relaxing pace.

"Where is Star? Whe-" I stop mid-sentence after failing to bear the pain and damage I'm inflicting on myself. Right now, am anything but relaxed.

"Everyone is okay, well at least for the meantime but who is this Norah you kept calling in your sleep?" The stranger questions. He looks to be a man in his late twenties as he sits across from my right side of my bed, his well shaven face gives him a gentle look but his tone is anything but. His eyes hold familiarity to them I feel safe and afraid at the same time.

"I've just informed the doctor that you're awake and he'll be here soon. I am Lloyd Russel, can I ask you few questions?" he gestures to a button on the foot of my bed, must be what he used to make the call, before taking out a small note book.

Before proceeding to his agenda he reaches for something on the grey cabinet next to him, handing me a cup with a clear liquid in it.

"Tequila?" I ask even raspier than before. My head tries to register the events of what might have been the cause of my being in a hospital being questioned by a 'Lloyd Russel'.

He chuckles and I finally see his beautiful features and those dimples are to die for. But something about this man doesn't add up.

"Actually, it's something way better, water!" He says as I take a sip and relish the moment in reverence of the refreshing beverage which I had seemed to forget was in my grip.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I ask in a more serious and focused tone as I set the cup on the table attached to my short headboard. It was adorned with beautiful white roses and a photo frame of me and my dad.
My dad? How did that get here. I lost that photo after the incident three years ago. How did it?
Who is this man? Why does his presence feel so familiar yet I can't place him in any of my memories?

"Okay, I guess we can just start there instead, how much of what happened do you remember? I promise if you give me what I want, I'll answer your question." He states as he offers me a blank look that promises the possibility of more harm than good.

"WHO THE FUCKING HELL ARE YOU?" I ask again getting irritated.

"Am a not your main concern. The question you should be asking is what will happen now that you've survived another attack." He corrected.

"How long have I been unconscious?" I ask ignoring his previous rant.

"Seven days and 6 hours!" He says.

Wait, I've been out for an entire week and I feel like I just got run over by a train? Wow.

"Leave," I whisper but I'm well aware he's able to get me clearly. Firstly, because I had no idea what had taken place during the stipulated moment.


"I said LEAVE!" My voice betrays me as it cracks and my eyes water as memories of what happened the last time I spoke with my father and I knew exactly where this was going.

"And don't ever come back here again!" I add as he heads for the door.

The only thing that goes through my mind is different scenarios of how I ended in the same bed I was in when I had failed to save my father. 'Weren't we on a trip with my friends?' I tried recalling what had blocked my memories. But nothing comes to mind!

I felt that pull to rest again and I gladly gave in. In silence I was happy and at peace.
I felt at home and I loved it.

"THERNICY! WAKE UP!" I hear someone call from so far away I can't help but follow where it was resonating from. Wait, I was just awake a moment ago, right? Or was it a memory? But it felt so real.

Although I want to think about everything I just saw, I'm gently shaken back to consciousness. At least I wasn't back to that point in my life.

"Hey, are you okay?"

What fucking hell is Terry doing here? Waking me? Aren't I supposed to be lost in oblivion, falling in a deep endless darkness and seeing nothing but darkness? Okay being almost dead is too easy. I try closing my eyes again, hoping I could fall right back into not seeing terry looking like a complete mess, but nothing happens. So much for trying!

I hear a deafening beep as my heart races in sync with the annoying IV machine I apparently am connected to. My entire body ached in ways I never imagined possible. Especially my head. Which by the way felt encased in a sort of bandage, more like bondage!

"Terry, I told you not to m-THENRICY!" Lucy races and cages me in a bone crushing hug, I fear my heart might burst from the pressure. At this rate I must be having a rib cage smashed to bits.

"Thought I'd lost you. Am so glad you're awake." She finally decides to let go, after making her cliché but very meaningful confessions.

"Where is Star?" I manage to let out in a raspy tone. Gosh I sound awful. Thank god Jaden didn't hear that come out of my mouth!

Wait, why do I care whether he's heard it or not?

"Is it just me or is a hyena with a bad cough laughing here?" I hear Jaden comment as he walks in.


"Here, you'll need this." He walks over to my right and brings a small cup filled with a similar liquid like the one in my dream/memory to my lips. I can't seem to tell the difference anymore after so long and all the drama I faced during those times.

How did he know I needed one? "Doctor Fred is on his way. Said you'll need this and now I know why." He half laughs but I literally sense the pain in his humor.

"Thanks, where's Star?" I look to Lucy but realize both her and Terry slipped out while I was taking those thirst quenching sips. I'll forever cherish water, I promise. Although my head aches like hell it seems were alone now and everything seems to take its time, as he moves closer to my tiny sleeping area. wasn't so tiny a while ago.

Now there's no escape from the resentment and blame. And you're the last person I want to see hate me right now.

"Please don't ever do that again." Jaden's face falls as he scoots a seat closer to my bed. Wait, did you just say what you said? where's the blame and the hate I've been hiding from. the questions of 'why' and 'how could you'?

"Do what?" I ask in confusion. I have an idea what he might mean but I'm not sure it's exactly what I think it is. He's not even supposed to make me feel so... Vulnerable. So self-conscious.

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