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Had just got out of bed with Mercy still sleeping without a care that I realized Thernicy was not in the room.
In last night's strapless golden cocktail dress, I managed to navigate my way to the kitchen without passing out from the throbbing pain in my head.

I headed right for the coffee maker and poured some already brewed coffee into a cup, added sugar along with some creamer and looked up to the wall clock in the kitchen's east wall that lead to the passage.

'12:06 am.' It read in a glowing blue light.

Wow guess we did take it to the next level this time with the shots. Wonder where Thernicy is. I thought to myself.

I took the third sip and decided to watch a show before taking a bath.

Cruising through the different channels hoping to find something interesting, I got transfixed on Thernicy's image fully displayed as news update was being broadcasted.

"...had been released a few days ago.
Is it a conspiracy between rival companies or IS there more to the story than we're being lead to believe? Join our daily catch up everyday at noon only on lifestyle-trial. In other news further investigations into the growing trad..." I zoned out right after the a video of her in a car with some rich guy that I have definitely met before.

I know that face but I just can't place..

"What the fuck? Lucy is not going to like this one bit.
What the hell is Tennis doing with Freaking Lloyd Russel?" I fussed loudly. More like yelled.

"Hey! Keep it down. Some of us are trying to sleep. It's so early in the morning! " Mercy loudly mumbled from her room.

"Then sleep while our girl here makes the headlines for allegedly attempting to take over a rising company rival.
More like ridding off into the sunset with him...
Who the hell even makes this news anyway!" I yelled disregarding my throbbing migraine.

"Definitely not interested!" Mercy called from the passage heading towards the kitchen, still in her dress too.

"What time is it anyway? I have a meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Did you take some pills for the hangover?" She went on and I ignored her just as I did the first time.

"What? you don't have anything to say now? Okay. Your hair is all over the place and Terry just sent you a text that he's coming over in ten." I turned to face her grinning face. Without another thought, I rushed to the bathroom to take that bath.

After all we had guests coming over, right?



"But none of it makes any sense unless what he said is true!" Abe comments on the puzzle in front of us.
The guys brought over a box filled with documents on Thernicy and some of her father's company.
Apparently Lloyd Russel was helping them figure out who allegedly murdered her dad. Which does make sense if you follow his theory but there's something missing.

"How did he even know about this? I mean let's say it's true, how did the police miss it? Thernicy was there after all right?" Terry asks too.

"She wasn't there." Jaden confesses and we all look at him.

"She- she-"
"Get on with it already!" Mercy ordered.

"You don't understand, I also wasn't aware but after today I realized that something seemed odd that day.
I left her at the apartment, she said she was planning on visiting her father. That he'd called her the previous evening about something concerning both Gye-sueticals and SoftEch corporation.

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