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"We had hot coco with ginger bread cookies and a full jar of  lickerish displayed on the counter.  I got the lickerish, Dad ate all the cookies and mum drank the coco after realizing that was the only food we had in the house, we moved to sit by the tree and unwrap the presents.
At the moment we begun to open our presents and it was my turn, everything disappeared.
I found myself in my bed with Norah on my left and a very hangover Mercy on top of my Right leg.

We had gone out last night after Norah arrived from Manhattan and Mercy finally got her Bonus.

The guys went to watch a baseball game and spent the night at Emmanuel's apartment.

I moved Mercy off me and proceeded to roll Norah over when the door Burst open.

"Well, well. Will you look at that, the three musketeers." Star mused, too staged her expression seemed.

"What do you want? Christopher is at Emmanuel's and The company is in Jackie's name. What the fuck do you want here?" I asked as rage filled inside of me. Out of fear.
Fear that I was once again at a vulnerable point.
I was uncertain of how bad things could go with Star involved so I needed to be on alert.
The girls needed my protection as they slept in a peaceful slumber.
And with the way sun was coming through, it was probably already passed ten.

"Anyway, am not here to cause trouble. But Ann is missing and I need you to help me find her." She stated as a matter of fact.

"How do I know yo-"
"Cut the bull! I'm not one to beat about the bush. If I intended to slit your throat once more, this time I'd have done it when you were fast asleep likely an hour ago.
She is still my friend and she's expecting my baby! I need you to help me get her back." She said.

And I burst into the most hysterical laughter I have ever had

"Something tickling you, Thernicy?
She and I had a deal and I need her here to make sure I see it through. Will you or will you not HELP ME?" She fused.

"Okay. Okay.
But why didn't you ask Jackie or the goons you paid? I mean, what do I have that they all don't?" I asked her.

She was looking quite bored with the conversation now from the yawn she was trying to suppress.
"Because he said he wants you in exchange for her."



Why was it taking that useless brat so long?

"Hello?" I picked the call before it even rang.

"She's agreed. The exchange can take place tomorrow at the same place. Right?" She asks too eagerly that I know there's a catch.

"But?" I ask her to continue in my usual irritated tone.

"I'll need to see her sta..."
I cut the line and turned to face the view from my penthouse.
New York was beautiful but so was it deadly.
I didn't have the energy to listen to her whining.

Now, all we need is to plant enough evidence before noon.


Meanwhile some hours ago:


Where the hell was Ann?
It was already almost a four days since the last time we spoke. She's supposed to meet me in the next hour.
The plan cannot fail now that am almost successful...

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary from the occasional fist bumps and loud cheers for the soccer team playing.
After the baseball game we headed to Emmanuel's apartment but changed route to a nearby bar to finish the last soccer match before midnight.

Until I was distracted by the thought that has been devouring my very last ounce of peace.

"Hello," I answered and waited for a response seeing it was a private line.

"Oh thank God, sage, you need to get me out of here! You need to help me. Someone to-" I heard Ann's cry after her pleading as if someone was struggling to get the phone from the fidgeting sounds.

"Please don't hurt me! No, please. I won't do it again, please. No...!?" And the line went static.

Dammit! What the hell have you gotten yourself into now?

How am I going to get the guy's attention without raising suspicion as to why she called me instead of Abe?

"Hey man, what you doing out here? What's with the long face? Hope you're not planning on ditching Lucy? That one's a keeper!" Abe said after walking in on my thoughts.

Yeah I know!

"Nothing I was just worried about her, so I was just about to text her to check if they're back home safe." I lied.

"You worry too much, they're all good. Speaking of which, have you received any call from Ann? I mean she's been ignoring my calls for a few days now. And imagine she even left the house without even taking her stuff too. Women are just too complicated for me. But I a have a feeling there's something wrong too." He said with concern etched on his features.

"Is that why you're out here instead of watching the game?" I asked faking worry and a little bit of sympathy.

"Yeah?" He confessed.
"We're whooped aren't we?" I asked him.

"Yes we are!" He replied and turned to head into the empty street away from the guys and to Emmanuel's apartment.

Could he have something to do with her disappearance? Wouldn't that be a little too inconvenient for him, especially since they practically moved in together...
I hope you have no hand in this Abraham. Cause I don't think messing up my plans should be an option for someone like you.

current time

Immediately after THERNICY's encounter with Star.

"What do you mean she's-"
"Shush...! This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you in the first place." Thernicy interrupted my raging moment.

Imagine learning that the woman you're in love with was in the same house as her nemesis. Not quite comforting is it?

Thernicy called and explained to me how Star got a call from the alleged kidnappers last night.

I knew there was a catch to it as soon as I heard Star's name. And Norah could be caught right in the middle of this entire charade again.

"I can't let you do that. Can't you see she's probably just faked it all to get you alone with her. What if-"

"No. Nothing will happen to me. Okay? Trust me and just do what I asked you to. See you then." With that she ended the call.
I immediately went into Jaden's room before I talked myself out of it.

If what she just decided to do wasn't dumb as hell then I don't know what is. I sure as hell won't have a fault in it alone.

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