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10:55 am

"So... Why didn't you tell me?" I broke the silence.
Star had been driving us to her apartment deep into the city. And it was just car horns and loud conversations here and there.

Everyone was so caught up in their own world, that even if we were to disappeared into thin air, no one would notice.

"Tell you what? That I hate the very fact that you exist? Sorry, I'm not the thoughtful type." She spit back with venom laced in every syllable she altered but still came out as sarcastic than hateful.

I brushed it off still. "That you inherited Jackie's illness. You know I could have helped you?" I went on.

"With what? Your love and kindness?" She spoke in a more amused tone than the first.

"No! With the cure I've been working on! Why do you think I'm still with Gye-suetical? I was doing it for Jackie's cure. I had developed a drug that could alter certain characteristics of the virus and neutralize it long enough to have you under go a chemo therapy to get rid of it entirely. But she declined it. She was happy with just one child, she said I should focus on improving it." I chuckled at the memory of our first ever productive conversation with sexy Aunt Jackie and I had before her husband passed.

It was on record the most I had spoken to her about anything.

"You can't help everyone. Especially not when the only way they can be okay is if you never existed in the first place." She swerved into a different lane and drove into a parking lot on the far end of the block.

"Some things are better resolved with one learning to accept the fact that you can't have everything you want." I responded to her and left her in the car after she parked into an empty spot.

If I don't die today, then I can sure as hell survive a world war.

I got into her apartment after her. The walk up to her floor was silent and not at all awkward. I was happy to give her a piece of my mind. It's been one hell of a pain in the ass since highschool, having her trigger so many negative thoughts that I never seemed to air out.
At first I thought she was just upset because of sexy Jackie's illness that awakened after fifteen years of healthy living. But now I understand it's entirely pure hate and jealousy. How it happened? I had no idea.

All I Know is I was affected too. But I didn't try to end anyone's life. We were even when her father passed away, just like my mum did. But this seemed to have fueled her hidden hatred and it got worse to a point that I had to move out of my own family home and just two years later bmy father past away. I moved away to Dad's house in New York and then it all got even worse. Thankfully I don't remember most of it.

11:36 am
It wasn't long before another call came through. I was on the couch reminding Terry about our previous agreement and avoiding any form of conversation with Star.

"Hello? It's me...
Yes I know...
How do I know you're not trying to act smart with me...
No. ...
Okay, okay. I wasn't trying to I just want to make sure she's ok. ...
In public? Isn't that going to b- ...

Alright sorry. I'll be there. In twenty-five." She then cut before letting out a breath of relief.
Talk about nerves. Guess the wicked still fear something. I thought to myself.

I made sure to send Terry another text about the call.
He was still not responding and now it was my turn to worry.

"Get up, were leaving now! And don't try to act smart okay?" She ordered leading us out of the apartment to the parking lot.

10:57 am

"What the hell man! Why did you let her do that. You should have stopped her or something. If any-" Jaden scolded and I decided I had enough of his nagging.

"Nothing is going to happen to her! Can you just calm down and get in the car before we run out of time!" I assured him.

Thernicy had figured that it must have something to do with her father's company that Star was targeted seeing her mum was the current CEO of their family's company.
But the question was, Why did they ask for Thernicy instead of Star herself?
Now that's what we were about to find out.
Abe was our way in, while Sage, Emmanuel and Christopher were kept in the dark.
Only because she clearly stated and I quote 'do not let sage or Emmanuel know about this. Otherwise Lucy will end me before Star does.'

So it was down to our trio of love dummies, with me in charge obviously and Jaden as well as Abraham were my right hand men.

"So how are we getting into the main building?" The Certified genius amongst us asked. And we both just stared at him like he asked the world's dumbest question, which was quite the contrary. But definitely the most obvious.

We'd use Abe's influence in the software industry for this plan.
And it would definitely work.

The security let us all through after we pretended to be there for an urgent meeting with the head engineer of the cooperation. After all, we're the golden boys of Chicago for a reason. And also Abe has a pending transaction with his college mate who's also the current head of Software engineering here at SoftEch Corporation, the overseeing branch of Thernicy's family and group of shareholders.

"So this guy's of yours will just let us go through confidential files and encrypted footage because you helped him with an assignment?" Jaden asked Abe expectantly and Abraham just shrugs like it's exactly as he put it. A few minutes later we came to know that it was exactly that and we were granted access with the one condition as, we'd be able to access the documents only once we're outside company grounds but within a 200 feet radius from the building.
Which only gave us one option... Starbucks! My latè heaven.



I knew my sister was definitely planning something incase she's not going to be able to leave like the rest will. So I made sure she'd decide to stay on her own terms.
I informed Damien about meeting in a very busy place like town square during lunch hour. Insuring Star and her accomplices will be at a safe distance from us and then I could get rid of them once and for all.
It was time to get everything rolling and I begun making my way to the elevator.

If only father finished his business before deciding to take the easy way out, I might not need to go through such trouble.

Pulling out my phone, "Damien, are you all set?"
"Yes Lloyd, everything has been done. Although we can't identify the other one." He informed.

"It's still a code green. I don't care about them I just need her to get to me." I spoke bitterly into the phone.

"Alright then. I will make sure of it." He resigned. With that I ended the call.

"Good afternoon sir, will you be back for the 2 O'Clock meeting?" My assistant asked as I moved into the elevator and pressed the lobby key.

"No Maureen, I'll be gone for a while." I responded before the doors of the elevator closed leaving me in utter silence.
Just the way I like it.

Now let's get this show started, shall we?

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