Chapter 16: FIRST FALLEN

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It felt like years, my sleep. I couldn't even tell how long I had been unable to move any part of my body.

This time it wasn't silent compared to the previous time I was unconscious.
I wasn't floating either. I could feel myself being carried to a room and checked on every now and then.
Otherwise, joining the conscious reality was all I couldn't do.

Until he came to talk to me for the first time since the last checkup I had.
I'd heard the stranger introduce himself when he'd carry out his checks and that's what kept me entertained. Not even my thoughts were there to keep me company.

Until him...
"I'm tired of apologizing every single time, when you're the one who keeps getting away from me.
I need you to listen to me and know that I'm not giving you up. Not anymore and not anytime soon, well at least not while I'm still alive that is!
I should have told you from the beginning but it doesn't matter. I still love you either ways. Whether you know or you don't. I just hope you are getting me right now. Please come back to me!" He pleaded as he held my hand like it was his life line.
The tingles at every spot he touched were like a lighter to a trail of gasoline.
He ignited emotions I never thought I could ever feel.
A fire erupted in me from my core and I knew that I was done for.

How could you say those words so casually like it's just an easy 'hey' or 'hi? What do you mean you won't give me up anymore?

I yell in my mind after feeling his warmth slipping away after he let go to quickly for someone who was just from pouring out his heart.

"Is she still...? I don't know what to do anymore!" Mercy said as her voice draws closer before my left side of the bed dips in.

"Why don't you just tell her instead? I'm sure she won't be as upset right? Let's see how she takes your side of the story then I can work on mine too." She went on.

What are you even talking about right now.
Hope it's not what I think it is.

"Mercy, we need to come clean now things are getting too out of hand! Look at her, she's not stable enough to handle all these lies any longer. Star's not giving up so easily. She's already working on taking over her father place in their company to outrun Thernicy. It's not just the murder aspect now she's getting rid her uncle's legacy too. This is worse than we thought." I finally heard him respond in a lower as if they didn't want others to ease drop on them.

And here I am getting everything loud and clear.

"Well I don't care about Star and her charade. Christopher is right in 'my' living room and he's not going anywhere! How am I supposed to deal with that? My best friend is a floor right above him and I have to act like what? A statue? I can't hurt her like that! She's all I have as a sister other than Norah of course. But you get my point!" Mercy confessed and I was blown right out of my mind.

"Kiss him!" I spoke in more of a raspy whisper than what I intended to sound like.

"What?" Mercy's head snapped to look at me with fresh tears trailing down her

"I said kiss him! Did you go deaf when I passed out?" I teased her and she hunched over to hug me as she broke into a beautiful laugh I didn't know I missed so much.

"I missed you!" She exclaimed with so much relief it etched right into me and I felt the peace she was giving off through her vibrant exchange.

"Uh I guess I'll leave you guys to catch up" Jaden said as he rushed out of the room before we could register it all.

"I missed you too but what's up with him?" I asked her. Her demeanor changed to that of a broken soul.

"It's not my story to tell but there's something you need to know on my part," She began her side of the big puzzle, "I lied to you, that day in Oregon. Jaden and I never had anything going on, we were into other people and you all thought we had something for each other so we just went along with it. I'm sorry for not coming clean back in highschool that day. It's just that you guys assumed and then Star accepted to date Christopher and you admitted to having a crush on him. I guess I just got carried away away that I didn't want things to get awkward. But then from weeks it turned to years and I just couldn't do that to you! Please you have to underst-" She explained but I cut her off with my index finger on her lips.

"I do. And I don't expect you to put your love on hold because I had a silly crush! You are more important to me than any crush or stupid obsession. Don't ever feel that way again, okay? And I figured it all out as you were blabbering a few moments ago in my sleep." I laughed lightly after taking a sip of water I found on the tray beside my bed next to the lamp stand on my right.

"I want to know more but that shadow outside is getting a little impatient." I motioned to Jaden's fidgeting figure outside the partly closed door and Mercy giggled at the blush I was spotting on my cheeks.

"And please kiss him! You'll know why after you do!" I reminded her as she moved to leave after hugging me again. This time I little tighter than the first.

It didn't take a second before he walked in and shut the door behind him. With determined strides he soon towered over me and his fixed gaze had me hypnotized.

Whatever thoughts I was getting were not at all innocent. At this pace, I think I might just get laid.



Psycho friends and a messed up relationship is no surprise to someone like me.
At least not anymore.
I'm lying in my love seat when my car alarm goes off.

"Abe?" I call out after being Startled out of my wits.
God help me if it's those birds again! I shut the window, didn't I?

"I Swear to God, Abe you better get your freaking hands off my baby!" I yell as the alarm continues to ring.
My garage was connected to the house's alarm system therefore you could only get in or out with a key or pass code. And the alarm needed a key for the it to stop.
Only Abe and I had access to both.
The alarm finally stopped but funny thing was the keys were on the table a foot away from my seat.

Something is wrong!! Big time

And just a few seconds later I felt sleepy and heavy all of the sudden.
Pain shot through me from my womb and I lost consciousness.

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