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"I don't think I can do this." I took another look at the delicate satin White dress as it hugged my chest all the way down till my mid thigh and flowed freely as if it was second skin.
Never in a million years did I ever see myself getting married to lure in a murderer.
Should'a kept my mouth shut!
This would definitely not be happening right now.



"What do you mean by a shoot out? We had just been there a few minutes ago...
No! How could you assume that.
Okay fine...
We'll be there soon." I ended the call only to meet Terry's questioning glare.

We were half way across the distance to the courthouse. Which is long way considering the detour to the coffee where I explained it all to him and the ice cream on fourth.

"That was an Inspector something, didn't catch his name. Said there was an incident at the apartment and Abraham has been rushed to the hospital with a bullet wound.
So we have to drop by the precinct to give a statement.
Guess we'll just have to get that marriage certificate later?" I blabbed out without realizing then the full weight of the information I just received.

Terry's shock was enough to knock some sense into me of how unaffected I was about one of my friend's unfortunate state. It was bad enough we had literally run away from him but his death was the last thing on my list of things karma can throw at him.

"Sorry. It-" I begun but immediately decided against it. I had previously told him everything Thernicy had found out about her dad and the conspiracy.
Yet he, for the first time, disagreed with me because he believed there more to it than we all were aware.
I tried to change the topic when I got the call from the inspector in charge of the shoot out investigation.

"I don't expect you to understand my view. I at least thought maybe you might put aside everything and just see him as a human just like the rest of us. No matter what he did. Aren't you supposed to be his friend too.
You know, sometimes I feel like we're all connected by only one person and that's why when something happens we all break apart easily and start taking sides that favour our interests. What if Thernicy is wrong? Have you thought about that possibility. What if this is just another one of her paranoia episodes. Like when she disappeared after her father and claimed to have been at his burial when we all know she never came to.
Or when she thought someone had been in her room at the hospital in Oregon when she woke up. And we were the first and only people allowed there.
Can't you see how all these allegations are tearing all of us apart? You have even completely ignored the fact that he never once gave you any reason to doubt him." He explained and something in me just snapped.

"Yes! cause he got everyone else to do it for him. I almost died Terry! Did you consider that? SHE would have died too. And none of those 'incidents' were paranoia.
She was there at the funeral. Just not with her family. She was across the cemetery with some-guy. I just never wanted to ask about it cause the possibility of her having someone outside our circle was next less than zero... Now with Lloyd in the picture it all adds up. She obviously did wake up earlier than we thought.
What if they had just been inducing her coma, just like they'd tried to right when she was about to be discharged?
Doesn't it seem suspicious how Abraham's connected to Star, Ann and everyone of us to the extent of our family businesses? He knew you were a Torres. Thee Torres.
You should think about it clearly, later and not when your balls are in control. Sometimes it's okay to be wrong. I learnt that the hard way. I hope it doesn't take the same measure for you to realize it too. Let's go. I think we'd both better go before we say something we'll regret." I turned to leave and I just heard footsteps in sync with mine.
It was all the comfort I needed.



"It was inevitable. What did he tell you yesterday anyway?" I reasoned with Thernicy's harsh words towards herself.

It was as if nothing he did to her made a difference.
She was still grieving and for the first time, she didn't hide from everyone.
She was crying in the room his body had previously occupied.
The doctors said his heart had given in and they couldn't revive him.
It didn't even take more than an hour than they finally decided to announce his death to us.

"Jackie killed both uncle and Dad! He was just playing her and Star to protect me.
He used to intercept most of their plans till sage got involved and they decided to take the short way to getting everything.
He didn't know how to tell me...
Jaden, that's why he planned the whole vacation with Lucy to get everyone together to keep an eye on all of them.
Ann was just being played and she was okay with it.
But Jackie, that Witch! She's been behind Star's hatred all along. She knew...
Now she's here?" She pulled away from my hold looking at the hallway through the clear glass upperwalls.
Recognizing the figure she got up to head outside.

Almost breaking down the door as she rushed passes it, she pushed passed the nurses in the hall way, and pulled Aunt Jackie into a hug?
What is she doing?
Wasn't she just about to cuss the hag back to hell a few seconds ago?
I thought to myself in disbelief of the sight before me.

I understood she was still in a state of shock a little cause we all thought he'd pulled through. The rest of the crew were already in the waiting area so that we could all go and start the funeral preparations together.

Star and Ann were still MIA. But that didn't ease my displeasure in the possibility of another similar incident taking place.
Finally having enough of the suspense I made my way to their exchange.

"No, it's fine. I understand. I missed you auntie. I don't know what to do now. Can we just go home. Please." She begged and Jackie just smirked and guided her away without any hesitation.

I was about to lash out when Thernicy turned and wore the most sinical look I'd ever seen on her, "Don't worry, I'll be fine." She spoke softly but her expression was anything but.

And they left. I didn't need to think twice on what to do next.

"Lloyd, we have a situation. Meet me at my apartment in ten." I spoke over the phone and waited for his affirmation before ending the short call.


"What do you mean she's with Jackie? Jackie's in Germany, well at least that's what her schedule shows." Damien argued.

He and Lloyd had been over for half an hour now and they still didn't quite believe what had transpired earlier.

"She was there. I saw her. They both left right before I called so that schedule is definitely not her real one. Better check again. How did you guys even overlook this in the first place?" I asked Lloyd especially.

"Well, if that's the case then our plan.ay just need to be executed this evening. Altho-" Damien begun but was cut short.

"Let's get one thing straight here, I'm not responsible for anyone other than my sister and my employees. So no I'd never pay attention to such details.
Secondly, am going to make you beg for death if anything happens to Thernicy, I promise you!" He threatened just inches away from my face now with a calm exterior but the anger waves coming off of him were a contradicting indication of the possibility of anything being calm.

Seems her rush decisions were starting to bite me in the face instead. And now I was officially starting to lose my cool.

I trusted her but that didn't stop the doubt from doing it's work.

I hope you're safe, my love. I don't think I can handle another day without knowing your whereabouts and being.

Is this how it feels to trip over love?
... I really hope this works.

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