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I stared at him puzzled still. What the heck?

"Please don't ever scare me like that again, ever!" He looks into my eyes and I fall into his trans as if hypnotized by his plea and desperate demand. So much I can only nod my head in response to his demand.

"How have you been?" I ask after noticing his tired looking eyes and dark bags beneath them.

"What do you think?" he locks eyes with me, everything just fades. All I want is to feel him on me, literally on me.

I have never craved skin contact with someone ever before and I'm happy I haven't because it is an intense and enslaving feeling, I completely forget about my pain and lean into take what I truly desire.

"Wait- we need to talk first, please! We both need this more than we realize." He says after moving away causing me heart to ache from the sudden space he's put in-between us.

"What could possibly be better?" I ask in a frustrated tone, I barely recognize myself.

"The fact that I don't know what you really want? Or whether or not you deliberately left Star to out under the wreck like that?" He outlines and I don't know how exactly to respond. And I'm frozen in my spot, not like there's anywhere to go? But still. And there it goes. The one thing I was clearly waiting for but never ready enough to actually face it.

"What really happened Thernicy? Did you really do it?" he goes on.

"I don't remember anything. All I know is there was smoke and then lights and someone carried me. I can't recall anything. I don't even know where I am. I don't know what I want either but I know it's not talking about this right now." I try to convince him so much I almost fall off the bed.

He just keeps pacing, moving further and further than the last and now the room is way bigger than I thought it was.

Of course the insurance company made sure I got the private luxury rooms.

"Where is Star? What do you mean she was left bleeding out?" I asked clearly uncertain if the information he was giving me was valid or just speculations, hopefully speculations.

"Seriously? You're going to sit there and tell me you can't recall any of the nightmares you were having? About what you did? To her?" He asks me obviously not believing a word I say which hurts me even more that he doubts my intentions.

"What are you talking about? Where's Star and Norah? I want to se-" I was cut off by the new arrival at the door. As a middle-aged man walks to me with a stethoscope hanging on his neck and latex gloves on both his hands.

"I think that's enough for the young lady? Isn't it?" he speaks in a knowing tone. Must be that doctor Fred, dressed in a nice turquoise colored office shirt with black tailored trouser.

His stern glance radiates warm and professionalism. And the way he looks into my eyes was even gentler.

"I believe we'll need to check your vitals before making any conclusion or final diagnosis." He adds and Jaden takes it as his queue to leave but I give a disapproving look and he retakes his seat.

'Thank you' I mouth to him but he just turns to face the window as if being in the same space is suffocating him.

Guess I was right to want to fall back into my nightmare. At least there I was well accustomed to the pain of no one believing me.

*don't mind the change in tense*

It took a while for everything to be checked and samples taken to re-test and get a feedback on whether or not there's been a development. Dr. Fred left with the nurse who came in right after him and now it was time to face the beat.

"it's my fault! And if I could help make things better or change whatever it is that happened I would but I can't. At least not like." I said after watching him clearly trying to distract himself each time I made a protesting sound as the nurse was taking some of my blood and changing the drip. So that he did not rush over to make them stop or must've have been so trying so hard not to walk out on me.

I was glad to see that at least he didn't hate me entirely. But that didn't make things any less-worse.

"I didn't see her there until after getting Norah out from under the wreck. I telling you truth." I confessed.

"What are you talking about? Star was the one stuck under the wreck when we got there!" he argued and I couldn't believe what he was telling me.

"ah no, Norah was under and-" he cut me short as he stood up from the seat he had been occupying for the past half hour.

"I think that was enough for the day. Ill be back this evening and we can talk some more about whatever it was you just told me. Cool?" I nodded my head and he rushed out right before Norah is wheeled into the room by Mercy with Anne in toll.

"Hey you! I see we are awake finally! Been out an entire week you know! What were you doing in that love-stricken head of yours?" Mercy asked obviously not curious as to why 'you-know-who' decided to storm out.

"Anything but resting! Kinda had a sort of walk down memory lane, literally. And now am being accused of murder again." I said as they made themselves comfortable, each on either side of my bed. with Mercy on the arm chair and Norah on her wheelchair.

"Well 'attempted' murder, allegedly." Norah corrects and we all fall into deep fits of laughter.

"I missed you. Thank you." She goes on to say as we all finally begin to regain our bearings.

"No, it was my fault and I'm sorry for having put you in that situation. If I lost you I w-" She cut me off with a hug as she abruptly rose from her chair to embrace me.

"You saved and that's all that matters. Right mercy?" she finally broke contact but maintained eye contact with then gesturing to mercy who also puts in her own.

"It's true I saw it all, well until the entire thing blew up and something smashed the phone." Mercy informed me.

It seems, Norah woke two days after the crash. Mercy confessed to what she and norah just told me were true saying she saw everything on the videos norah took before the crash. And that it had continued to film after we crashed from a distance. Luckily, Norah's device was being backed up every five minutes on the laptop they shared at home. Saying she was going to compile a few movies for her and Norah to watch as they waited for her check-up results around the facility. But was astonished when the day she decided to take the video, someone deleted it.

She mentioned how it was proof of a conspiracy. Leave to Mercy to make all the speculations and find a probable chance of how it happened.

And she did. Someone the ignited the bonnet and restaged the accident after I managed to get Norah out. Star was her main suspect but then then was out like a light when they got her and she'd bled out almost died on the spot so there's that question. Why? If not Who?

After those stressful hours of guessing of how it might have happened. We all decided to do some less talking and more eating after Lucy snack in a bowl filled with two large sliced pizzas.

Of course, terry brought the drinks. Jaden didn't return at least not while I was awake. The Nurse was ordered to give me a sedative right before ten in the evening to help with pain relief as I rested for real.




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