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11:58 am

"I need a coffee!" I resigned after having arrived at the designated meeting place just opposite the Starbucks cafe at Times square.

My migraine was at it's peak and I honestly just needed a recharge far away from her negative energy. So I got out of the car before she could protest my act rushed to the cafe.

A loud ding from the door as I entered, turned most heads to my direction.

I shouldn't have looked around for anyone I might know cause this was not the time my workmates came for lunch and the guys were probably not anywhere in sight.

Atleast that's should have made me change my mind. But nothing ever goes my way in such situations and before I could even check atleast three booths my eyes immediately fell on the man that has been haunting my dreams. He was serious about finding me!
I can't believe that it's a coincidence he's here at this particular time.
For a good looking man he sure as hell should smile a little often.
The look he was giving off was nothing close to safe.

I decided to move to his booth and too a sit right opposite to him.

"Been waiting for you, you sure did take your time bunny."
He teased but showed no hint of amusement.

"What do you want from me?"I asked.

"Alot actually. But firstly I need you to remember what happened to ou-your father the day he died." He explained.

"What do you mean remember? I never forgot anything? Who are you?" I asked again being even more confused than the moment I had first met him. Or was that a dream still?

"It was real, on both occasions," He confirmed my suspicion and went on explaining," I came to check on you but you didn't seem to remember me." I was keen on Knowing if Ann was safe before listening to his story cause at this point I was officially sober.

And before I could get any word put he decided to cut the chase, "Ann is already outside with Star but I can't let you go with them. Three of your silly friends are directly responsible for your father's death but you'll need to come with me before they finally get to you."

It was taking everything in me not to turn my head to the eyes burning holes in my back. I hope it's not who I think it is.
It's enough drama to have Star trying to kill me, my boyfriend probably thinking I'm cheating right now and a foggy memory of me trying to save my father but murder? That was just messed up on another level.

"-yes three of those and a refill, 1 black, 2 lattes and a ginger cookie. Add a blueberry muffin to that as well." Jaden ordered. Obviously still shooting daggers in back.

Did he see me? Obviously yes. Why wasn't he coming to talk to me?





I sat in the cafe looking directly out to the sidewalk when I finally saw her.

"Yes? Good. Proceed as planned." I said to Damien after siting my sister.
In my sit, I began evaluating everyone in the scene in front of me than someone caught my view from a distance, her other friends.

Right when I was about to really enjoy my donuts!

"Damien, release everything." I ordered through the phone call I forgot I still had going on.
Paying my presence no attention, she walked into the cafe and her eyes landed directly on me.
As if on cue she began her march towards me and I knew that it was going to be easy getting her attention now.



I was just about to head back my sit with the guys when she yelled, "No ..."
Immediately I rushed to their seat since I hardly had an idea what it was the we're discussing previously.

I only got out from our booth to get refills when she walked in without noticing me being just a few feet behind her. I froze as I observed their interaction as of they'd been acquainted before with the one person who's profile keeps showing up whenever her presence is recorded in her father's files.
Did she have other relations that we all didn't know about? Was she truly what Star described?
Did she really have no idea what happened after she disappeared three years ago?
Was it all just a ploy to lure is in and use us to regain her place in her family's company? But that all sounds too farfetched. I think there's more o the story than we all thought.

"Be my guest then, unless of course you Decide to come with me." He cleared the silence that had enveloped the entire cafe after her outburst.

"No. That's not true. I was there and
... No. It can't be. I was-" she argued still not acknowledging my close proximity.

"Mr. Trent, so great of you to join us. Hope you have already pieced the puzzle by now. Cause we're surely running out of time if you ask me." Lloyd Russel informed clearly unimpressed by my presence not that I intended to make any impression other than on her.

And yet she still didn't turn or spare me a glance.
So I took a seat still.

"What do you mean by... Wait. You threatened me several times and now it turns out you were helping me? Why? How do I even know this isn't a trick?" She asked him looking quite tense and uncomfortable.

"I don't play tricks. And am your half brother from his first marriage. You remember Cara right? Well it's almost quarter passed noon. We'd better get going. I'll leave you to say your good byes." He exclaimed too calmly for such a twisted tale.

"... Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her.
"I didn't know. What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be with Terry?" She asked looking alittle uneasy.

"I am. Thought you were going to trade places with Ann. Why did you call Terry instead of me?" I asked again.

"I have. That's why I was talking to Lloyd. He's the one who abducted her. I was not sure how you'd react especially since star was right on my neck. I'm surprised she didn't even notice the call." She answered with certainty. But it didn't ease the betrayal I felt.

" Why would you think that I wouldn't support you? I love you and I think that should count for something. Of course I would've been upset but I always have your back." I explained to her. Making it obvious that everything had affected me.

"I'm sorry." She apologized and laid her hand on top of mine which was on the table. She finally turned to look me in the eyes and I knew that it was harder for her to keep away and that why she'd called to tell Terry instead.

Talk about wearing your heart on your sleeve. She wore it well.


few seconds passed without either of us looking away. I felt like she was being taken away from me again and I feared this time it wasn't going to end well. So I did the only thing I knew would ease the pain... I kissed her.

It was agonizing and full of pain but filled with a promise of another chance. Another moment together.
And with that I pulled away before we could intensify it.
I opened my eyes to find her cheeks soaked in tears but I wiped them away  and told her the one thing I knew was true.

"You need to go and find out the truth first. Then we can finish this." Her smile was great enough satisfaction for me as she pulled out from her seat and followed Lloyd outside to his vehicle.

That was a dumb move but we need to trust her.

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