15 3 0

Just a day to go before we head back to New York and the other bunch to Chicago.

My Birthday surprise was lit to say the least. didn't realize how much time had gone by wasted on lazing around than having better relationships with the people that make me a better human.

My face has been beaming lately, especially after I decided to have a reconciliation with Star which went south but soon turned out worse after a failed compromise. So I decided to make less like-decisions and focused on what really mattered at that particular moment. That is having the ones that still and always have cared.

Turns out Abe as I like to call him instead of Abraham was actually into Anne and his fling with Star was a ploy to pull her out of her shell. Seems we have more chicken than people in our group. It freaking hurts to admit that fifty percent of these feelings are just temporal and hardly turn into anything serious enough to guarantee a 'Sage and Lucy' type of outcome. Too bad most of us were hooked on lies for too long.

Terry and Norah are still acting like two blind cows. Except now they usually hang out more together than with everyone else. Mercy on the other hand, was well herself, hyper, high on fresh weed, trending on social media for her flawless posts lately and apparently has anew muse.

Stalked her yesterday and gosh was I amazed. 'should've just asked her before checking, that's what good friends do, right?' I thought after my creepy stalking moment... but went back for more cause I really had to steal those pick up lines. damn she's good at this.

Christopher and I are all great and it's a refreshing ideal. my favorite couple are making the last wedding preparations and rumour has it, were getting married right after the New Years celebrations, an approximate 12 days from present.

Am chilling out on my lucky loveseat and someone decides to burst through the door like he's rushing to meet the queen, hardly through the entrance when he decides to state his cause for my heightened panic and an early stroke if i wasn't careful with these stress levels.

"Guys? is anyone here? We need your help outside!" yells emmanuel standing few steps from the doorway.

"What is it now?" I asked in a bored tone. honestly tired from not doing shit.

"Just get your ass out here will you!" is all i get as a response before he's out of the house again.

'Great. just great!'

I gladly took my time getting up and moving towards the waiting carriage of dramatics. 'it better be a matter of life and death otherwise i might just have to accid-'

I was cut out of my thoughts as my eyes fell on lucy's figure lying in sage's arms in absolute pain from her failure to maintain consciousness and heaving. Her hands trembled as sage tries to sooth her.

"Wha- is she?" i asked sage knowingly.

rewind: back in fifth grade lucy, mercy as well as norah just got back from gym class that she fell in the middle of the hallway. We weren't friends by then yet, just shared a few classes and that was the first time I was present during her attack.

Quite cliche for an active person as lucy, she had a genetic illness bringing about her current heart problem and it was never something to cause alarm except when she was overwhelmed which hardly happens.

"Did she take her meds this morning? Was there something she must have eaten, some news she must have received? Where the fuck is Jaden?" i practically freak after neither of my suspicions happened to qualify as a trigger.

"Thernicy! please calm down, we can't work her up any more than she already is." Sage reasoned using my stunned expression as an excuse to boss me around.

Apart from abraham who finally came with the car, Emmanuel was looking freaked out a lot worse than I was and paced around nervously after the stare I gave from his earlier remark.

Sage and I tried our best to keep her breathing and awake. As we waited for the ambulance to arrive.

As the other enjoyed their time miles away at the far end of the beach for a picnic.

How were we stuck here at the beach house instead? Nothing game night can't make possible. winning team was free to do anything fun while we stayed back and arrange for all necessities required for tomorrow's trip. Where the hell was someone specialised in such emergencies when you need them.


"So what now?" asked Norah nervously.

"How could you?" Yelled Mercy. This was going to be harder than i previously anticipated

"What are you going to do now that she's gone?" Norah looked over to abraham, who looked like hell. Sage was out with Anne. The rest of the crew was at the beach saying their last goodbyes.

"We shouldn't wait too long to face this." I finally put in. As much as it hurt to see my people sulking and freaking out, it was time to face the music.

"Just tell her before she finds out from someone else now, will you?" mercy beckoned looking at hopeless Abe. Obviously trying her best to maintain a straight face.

"Tell me what? Is their more to this than you're letting on?" i asked Abe, clearly distraught from shocking revelations which are not even revealed yet. Can't anyone take a hint that hiding isn't the best solution in such matters.

"Can you guys stop talking like that. It's not like anyone died!" stated Christopher as he walked into the kitchen.

"Okay, I mmm-may or may not have hit her and she's likely pregnant!" confessed Abe and man was i ecstatic.

"So that's why she's accompanied Sage! CONGRATULATIONS! You know that this is the more reason why you should tell her how you really, truly feel before she gives you the news. Because you aren't doing it for the baby, whether there is one or not but for her, Right?" I worked out the information he bombarded the twins and I with. Well technically I was alone in this attack them being already informed.

"EXACTLY!" He responded without a thought, whatsoever.

Anne and Sage were going to pass by the hospital to get the remaining items Lucy left behind after rushing for an early discharge. By the way she recovered just fine. We had to stay back a couple of days longer than planned but at least we were all okay. That lucky ass chick sure did give me the most heart wrecking shock of the decade. Losing her was the last thing on my mind. God knows I'd follow her to hell if i could just to give her an ear ful for giving up.

Thankfully Jaden had showed up just in time to perform artificial resuscitation right in time as the ambulance came in toll.
I, on the other hand, couldn't perform anything on her because am the worst responder in such circumstances, hence my medical degree was just based mainly on research, analysis and formulation of drugs, machinery and other ways to make health provision effective and accessible and safe. Lies.

After I lost my father five years ago from a similar situation where I was unable to perform but couldn't save him, I had developed a certain reaction or response to these types of scenes so me helping her was a risk on its own.

But I did compromise and still pursue a medical career which pays excellently well. Not that money was an issue but my need for independence is far beyond my coping capacity, well only the emotional aspect is manageable.

Everyone seemed to be getting along even better. Christmas was going to be superb.

And to say I wasn't excited to head back would be a lie. This was by far the best Trip ever. But I couldn't wait to view the city lights from my balcony. I really miss the city vibes.

And I needed to visit dad's grave before the year ended.


please vote and comment thank you.

especially you terry and Norah😒😒😁😜

got to go to work now! next chapter update will be this afternoon thanks guys.

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