"What did i say about using that name?"

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The young teen girl wakes up from getting her car flipped over and knocked out. Closing her eyes again and shaking her head before she reopens her eyes wide at realizing she's missing something—or rather someone.

"AJ!" She yells as she goes to sit up but gets pulled back at something restraining her wrist. She groans and looks up to see her left wrist was bound with tape around the pole of the bunk bed she was laying in.

She takes deep breaths, trying to calm herself as she looks around. The room was dirty and seemed like it was abandoned for a few years; looking better then some of the other places she finds on the road considering the shitty world they live in.

Moving her attention to her wrist again she yanks at the tape to get up. " What is this place?" She questions out loud before looking around the room, seeing old papers and a first aid kit she makes her way to the door and tries to open it only to find out it is locked.

"Shit." She cursed under her breath as she now thinks of a way to escape, now glancing around the room once more she looks for something to pick the lock with. Moving around the room she glances up and finds another box on the top shelf in the closet. She stretches up to grab it but being a bit short she can't reach it. She growls softly and turns around to see a chair. Pulling it in front of her and stepping up she finally gets the box.

Setting the box on the desk she opens it up to see what's inside. She pulls out what looks like an art pallet knife from the box and smiles softly at it. "This will have to do." She said as she went towards the door and started picking at it, finally after a few seconds she got it to open.

Watching her surroundings she walks out to be in a hallway before stopping at hearing some footsteps, quickly she hides around a wall in the hallway watching as a boy maybe 11 or 12 years old he gasps when he sees the door open, quickly pulling out a knife he slowly opens the door.

The young girl decides to show herself. "I'm right here." The boy gasped loudly at the voice and put his hands up. "Drop the knife." She commanded as she slowly walked towards the boy.

"How about you do the same." A low voice said, male. The sound of a weapon being drawn, sounds like a bow. The girl looks towards the voice in shock as she sees the silhouette of two figures. One male and another female. She glared at them as she looked between the boy and the unknown male.

"We're not gonna hurt you. We got your boy. He's safe." He reassures as he slowly walks towards the boy. The female next to him was just watching and observing the other female, her arms crossed over her chest, her two wide swords strapped to each side of her hip.

Hearing this made the young girl let out a small sigh of relief hearing her boy is safe, her face softened as she looked at them before glaring thinking it's a trap. She grips the knife-like object firmly. "We can take you to go see him. Just drop the knife." He commanded again. The little boy backed up towards the male in fright. After thinking a bit and going over her options she dropped the knife with a defeated sigh, her glare still plaster on her face. "Your turn."

The boy looks back at the male as the quiet female looks him over for any injuries. The male takes down his bow and puts away the arrow strapping the bow on his back as he walks into the light revealing a young male with a blonde mullet the sides of his head shaved, wearing a sporty jacket and jeans.

"See? We're not gonna hurt you." He said, reassuringly as he walks closer to her, she looks at him for a moment before he places a hand on the little boy's shoulder.

"I'm Marlon. The little guy is Tennessee. 'Tenn' for short. He's the one that's been taking care of you." He said as Tenn looked down shyly. Marlon hums as he takes his hand off Tenn's shoulder. "Not much of a talker."

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