"I'm not exactly...Approachable."

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As Clementine made her way in the room she woke up in AJ looks around before looking back and pointing at the door.

"Only way out?" He asked. Clem looks at the door before looking back at the little boy with a single nod. "Yep."


Clementine smiled proudly, setting the candle on the desk on the right side of the room. The little boy spotted the paper and color pencils and smiled.

The young girl walks over to the small wardrobe desk in front of the window and sets her hat down. "This box has so many colors." She heard AJ.

She turned to see him up against the table and looking through the box. "Well, there must've been an artist living here." She looked around as she explained. AJ looked confused, slowly pushing himself off the table and looked at Clementine.

"What's an artist?"

"It's like...a person who colors a lot. Draws. Does pictures." She further explains, walking over towards the boy. AJ nods, taking in the information as he pushes the chair out and sits down. "You mean like Tenn?" Clem hums looking up in thought before nodding, giving him a smile.

"Yeah, like Tenn." AJ hummed and picked up the red colored pencil and began to draw on the paper that was in front of him. "Huh. I like to do pictures too."

Clem smiled, loving seeing AJ just relaxed, even for just a bit and seeing him act like the little boy he is. She quickly frowned and jumped a bit when there was a knock on the door. She looked at the door, then AJ before heading towards the door, opening it to reveal (Y/n) who was patiently waiting on the other side. Her hands behind her back, and a small smile on her face.


"..Hey." Clem breathily chuckled, smiling at the girl. "Can I come in? I just have to get something for Tenn." Clem moves to the side, opening the door to let the slightly shorter girl in. AJ smiled and waved, getting a small wave back. She walked over to the closet and stepped back to see better before humming and looking around.

"Where did they leave it?" (Y/n) mumbled to herself. Clem watches with amusement as she crosses her arms, knowing probably whatever she was looking for, she probably couldn't see it. "What exactly are you looking for, (N/n) ."

"I will ignore the slight amusement coming from your voice at the fact I can't see and tell you it's a box— Oh! There it is." She pointed at the open box on the desk. Clem glanced at it with slight sad eyes. "It used to be Sophie's box."

Clementine looked confused for a moment looking at (Y/n) for answers. "Tenn's sister, he asked me to get him more art supplies." (Y/n) explained with a smile.

"Oh! Sorry, we didn't know..." Clem apologized, the other girl shook her head and dismissed her apology with her hand. "I see AJ took a liking to them...if he wants them he can. I heard it's been here collecting dust for the past year and no one's touched it. I'm sure Tenn would understand...if chip wants them." (Y/n) softly tried to reassure them when she saw how sad AJ looked knowing he didn't get the chance to finish his drawing.

(Y/n) goes to leave when she hears Clementine's voice. "You should probably give the box back. It doesn't belong to us."

(Y/n) turns watching AJ nod understandably. "Thank you, chip. It's just that Tenn wanted it, since it was his sister's." She softly explained kneeling down and smiling at him.

AJ nods again before (Y/n) looks at his unfinished drawing she hummed and tilted his head. "I see you are making a masterpiece of your own, you can finish it. I'll wait until you do."

This made the boy light up and quickly go to finish, smiling brightly. (Y/n) stood back up and sent a wink towards Clementine walking further in the room.

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