"Reality is like a video game."

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Everyone sends each other a sad look before going on to the next round. To no one's surprise, (Y/n) didn't win. But Clementine did.

"I win again." She sent a teasing look towards (Y/n) seeing she was only one number away from winning, making the girl playfully flick her off.

"You do indeed. Ask away." Louis mused. Clementine hums as she thinks of a question before looking back at the girl sitting next to her and her little number brand. Thinking it was a perfect opportunity to ask, she went for it.

"What's the number behind your ear mean, (N/n)?" She asked, reaching out and moving some curls away from her ear softly watching the girl tense just a bit before relaxing under her touch.

"I'm not sure if I should classify you as dangerously observant or amuse myself and say you've been staring at me long enough to see my number brand." This backfired on Clementine in a way she wasn't prepared for. She blushed in embarrassment and looked away. The rest laughed, enjoying what was happening.

"Now that was amazing." Violet said behind her hand, snickering softly.

"I-I just briefly saw it and was curious, that's all." Clem defended as (Y/n) nodded her head. "Whatever puts your mind at ease."

"I was in a community. They were very...paranoid leaders, afraid that if they let people in freely who won't commit to staying for long would find something and use it to their advantage or steal resources." (Y/n) explained, her voice serious and distant.

Clementine listens carefully, interested at how people can really be during this time. (Y/n) reached up and ran her finger over her brand.

"They brand people who were committed, keeping track of them like livestock. I was citizen number 24." She finished her explanation. Turning to Clem with a small smile.

The rest looked at each other, shocked. They knew (Y/n) even before this all happened but even so they still didn't know everything about her, and this just made them all a little closer.

"Where was that community?" Asked Clem, in hope that again by some miracle they were close enough to that if the universe allowed it they would've met sooner.

"I believe a little northwest of where Richmond used to be. When we heard it was getting attacked by another community, they were going to put us all in complete lockdown. I knew that was a cue to leave." She said thoughtfully. Clementine was shocked to say the least, they were so close yet so far from each other.

"And about two, three years later I ended up here."

"And in horrible condition, may I add." Marlon added, slight disappointment in his voice as (Y/n) nodded, letting out a sigh. "That I was, couldn't walk for a few days."

Next round. Violet takes the game.

"Victory Violet." She cheered. "He's something I love to ask when I'm in groups." She cleared her throat to add more intensity.

"Out of the five of us, who do you think's going to die first?" She asked. Louis scoffed. "That is fucked up."

"Oh, I know." She mused. (Y/n) tilts her head as she herself thinks about the question, messing with her necklace.

"Anyone of you. But certainly not me, I'll make a pass on (Y/n)."Clem answered, shaking her head in thought.

"So sure." Violet glared slightly. (Y/n) wasn't liking where this was going. Leave it to Violet to be the conflict started, unintentionally.

"I've made it this far."

"So have we." Violet retorted back, keeping her glare in place.

"Alright enough. Both of you." (Y/n) warned softly. Giving them a knowing look towards both girls making them go silent.

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