"Oh my god, you like her."

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Clementine nodded and pointed at the greenhouse. "Well, you guys don't use the greenhouse anymore do you?" Clem asked.

(Y/n) shook her head. "No, they used to. They lost someone out there. Walkers overran the place, and Marlon wouldn't let them go back there. Safe zone." The girl scoffed softly.

"We need to get that barbed wire, so they can't climb the walls. I'll go." Clementine declares, a determined look on her face.

(Y/n) walked around the desk and looked at her with worry. "Are you sure? It's gonna be swarming with walkers by now."

Clementine goes to respond when the double doors open and Mitch storms in. "And here comes my headache." (Y/n) whispered.

"Okay, what the hell's going on?"

"Mitch what did I say? Leave them alone." Violet's voice hissed and followed the boy in the room.

"Willy told me she was back, but I was like, no way, Violet wouldn't just go against what we all decided. Or at least I would've thought (Y/n) stopped her. She did say she would agree with her people." Mitch complained, his eyes burning with hate. Clem turned and crossed her arms, glaring at him.

"Shh! Would you keep it down?! The little boy is asleep!" Another voice was heard; Ruby, she closed the doors and turned to them.

"His fever's already going down, Clem. He's gonna be okay." Rudy said to Clem softly. (Y/n) lets out a sigh of relief at AJ being okay.

"Great. We're just giving them our medicine, too?"

"Mitch. Please." (Y/n) warned. "The people who shot Louis, they're arming up to attack the school." She stands in front of Clem. "We need Clem's help."

"Like hell we do. For all we know, she's one of them." He accused, pointing his finger at her. "Mitch in the nicest way I can put it; please use your  brain, if she was, which she's not, why in the fuck on this fucked up brown earth would she let them shot AJ?"

"(Y/n)'s right. She's not if you saw their leader's boot on her neck you'd know that." Violet reasoned with (Y/n). Glaring up at the boy.

"You never know, (N/n), maybe the kid shot one of their friends?" The boy hissed. Ruby pulled him back and glared, saying his name in warning.

"Clementine's going to the greenhouse to find barbed wire and anything else she thinks we need for the fight, and you, my explosive friend, are going with her." (Y/n) orders, walking forward as the boy backs up, stopping when the boy hits the door.

"Uh, no, I'm not." He shot back.

"Mitch, don't argue. (Y/n) said her final words. Plus if too dangerous for her to go by herself, and you're good in a fight." Violet stepped in.

"I can go, too. You know, to keep the peace." Ruby said, nervously seeing the blonde and male have a glare battle. (Y/n) nodded in thanks. "Thank you, Ruby."

"Fuck, vi. Since when are you making the second in command calls?" Mitch pushed her shoulder as Violet scoffed.

"Since no one wanted to step the fuck up and help (Y/n), who if you haven't noticed regardless of her injury is still standing tall for your dumbass." Violet snarled, this statement made the male quite down.

"Alright, Violet. That's enough, you've made your point." (Y/n) turned to Clem, Violet flicking Mitch off before walking closer to (Y/n). "These two will meet you at the gate, and you can head to the greenhouse once I've explained the situation."

Clem gave her a nod and walked to the door, she glared at Mitch. "See you there." And with that she leaves the room.


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