"I wish you were really here."

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The sound of train tracks can be heard as a little girl with a baseball hat with the letter 'D', and a white dress with leggings sat with her legs over the edge. The trees rushing by. She looked down with furrowed brows, not noticing an older male walking over and sitting next to her.

"Hey, sweet pea."

The little girl looked up and smiled seeing Lee smile back at her softly.

"Lee?" She asked in her softer and more child-like voice.

"Why the train? You always pick the train." He chuckled softly, guestering to the train they were currently riding in.

"I'm not sure. Maybe because this is where it all started." The little girl shrugged her shoulders, she feels someone hug her from behind and turns to see her best friend, her hair in short low buns and a smile on her face.

Clementine gives a small smile back and leans towards her. "Hey, bunny." She greets and looks back at the male. "Where you taught us to shoot, and to cut our hair. To be ready for what was coming."

"You two were a quick study." He ruffled the silent girls hair, earning a soft giggle from her. The little brown haired girl looked at him before looking back down, Bunny sitting next to her with a frown."So what's on your mind this time?" Lee asks.

"I'm worried, Lee. We've got a lot of people depending on us, and she's depending on me, and I don't know if what I'm doing is right." Little Clementine ranted. Bunny tilting her head with a smile at the mention of a 'she'.

"Oh, I know that feeling." The man sighed and nodded his head. "You know I was making it all up as I went along, right? Couldn't let on, of course. With you two being so little."

"I never noticed. It just felt like you always knew the right thing to do." She said, the silent girl next to her nodding her head, making the man let out a dry chuckle.

"Yeah, well, I got lucky. Luck counts for a lot." Clem looked out to the moving trees and frowned.

"I'm gonna need some now."

"You wanna tell me what you're up against?" He asked after a few seconds of silence.

"I'm with a new group now. And I've been in...so many...and they always fall apart, but I really like this one. It's...different." She started, she thinks about the kids she met, the stuff they taught her and she thought of a certain someone that makes her smile. "It almost feels like home."

The man nodded his head and smiled at her. "That's a good thing. It's hard being alone out there."

"But we're in trouble. Some bad people captured my friends, one managed to escape...but the rest are still captured and getting them back might get the rest of us killed." She voiced her worries for her friends.

Lee stayed silent for a few more seconds. "I'm not worried."

This made Clem look at him with a slightly confused face. "What?"

"Whatever trouble you're in, you'll get out of it. You'll get your friends out of it. And with that girl by your side, it would be easy." Lee confidently said.

Bunny nods her head eagerly, tapping Clementine to gain her attention and smiles, almost talking to her mentally and reassuring her.

"You don't know that." Clem was quick to disagree with both of them but Lee kept his smile as he looked at her.

"We know you're a survivor. The Clementine I know is gonna fix it. I really believe that." He encouraged the little girl, who smiled softly and nodded her head.

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