Ep-2: "My opinion doesnt matter."

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"AJ and I had been searching for a long time." Clem's voice was heard. Clementine and AJ stand in front of an abandoned building. "For someplace we could call home."

"Just when we thought we'd found a huge stash of food...it turned out to be a trap." Clementine looked scared on the driver's side of a car. Walkers surrounding the car. "That could've been the end." A crash was heard.

"But I woke up.." (Y/n) smiled at Clem as Marlon showed the school. "And found I'd been saved by a girl named (Y/n) and her friend, Marlon. Leaders of a community living inside an old boarding school."

Kids laughed, Clem and AJ sitting on the bench with (Y/n) next to her with Louis and Marlon. "It felt like a change at having a home. A real one."

The image of the abandoned train station was shown again. "We had to go to the train station, to see if any food survived the explosion." The image of (Y/n) smiling softly at Clem was shown. "(Y/n) trusted me, and trusted the lives of her people with this decision."

"I trust you'll keep my people safe." (Y/n)'s voice was distant and echoed at the memory. It cut to the image of an older man, smoking a cigarette with two different colored eyes. "But someone else had the same idea."

"When AJ distracted him, I shoved him into a pack of walkers." Walkers hold and bite onto the man, his grunts faintly heard.

"I found Marlon and Brody in the basement that night, arguing about the man we'd seen. And I learned why Brody was so afraid." The image of Brody looking down and Marlon seeming to dodge the situation.

"The man was a part of a group of raiders they'd run into a year ago. Marlon offered Tennessee's older sisters in order to keep the one tool he knew he can't bare to lose, (Y/n) to the raiders, to keep himself safe." Marlon now looked at Clem as Brody, with stiff shoulders looked down.

"He attacked Brody, and locked me in the basement with her." Clementine on the ground, holding a now walker Brody. "When she turned, I had to stop her."

"Marlon stole AJ's gun and tried to convince them I had murdered Brody." Marlon held the gun at Clem, everyone up and watching in fear. "(Y/n) being the peacemaker she is, tried to stop him. But ended up getting stuck and badly injured." The image of (Y/n) on the ground holding her left eye was shown, looking up at Marlon in fear.

"Despite the pain...and the news about the twins. (Y/n) backed me up." (Y/n) glared at Marlon, her swords out and standing in front of Clem.

"Following their leader's command, Violet and everyone went against him. And with that the fight went out of Marlon." (Y/n) stood in front of Marlon, Clem behind her as the male looked at both of them sadly and defeated.

"(Y/n) and I agreed he could stay, but (Y/n) will be the main leader. But then.." it cut to Marlon and a bullet wound on his head, a distant gunshot heard. "Marlon was dead." (Y/n) looked at her blood covered hands, Clem and her image moving across to show AJ, gun in hand. "...and AJ pulled the trigger."

"He remembered what I taught him. To always aim for the head." AJ looked at them in fear and slight confusion.


The sun shines in the empty room, it is eerily quiet, the wind blowing softly. Clementine woke up slowly and got up, she looked over and didn't see AJ sleep on the bed next to her.

She looked around to see him kneeling down. She watches him walk over to her and hands her a mug. "I made you some coffee." He said. "It was in the kitchen. Tenn said that I could have some. I didn't steal it." He reassured her.

Clem takes a sip and lets out a sigh. "I'm surprised you remember how to make it. We haven't had coffee in a long time." She smiled softly at the boy.

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