"Was it 'go fish'?"

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The two girls smile at each other as AJ makes his way over to where Marlon was, talking to the other redhead girl from earlier.

Clementine holds her hand out towards (Y/n). The girl gives her a confused look before putting two and two together and placing her hand on hers.

"Thanks, Clem." (Y/n) softly said as she let Clementine guide her over with a nod.

Once they reached the steps (Y/n) let go of Clem's hand, much to the girl's disappointment. (Y/n) Sat next to the redhead girl petting Rosie when the dog comes and lays next to her.

Clementine glances at the dog with uncertainty before a voice speaks up. "Clementine, right? I'm Brody."

Brody smiled at her before looking over towards AJ. "He's a sweet little fella. Figured there ain't a lot of sweetness still out there." She commented.

"I'm the lucky one. He's just naturally good." Clem praised. (Y/n) smiled softly at them, silently watching them.

"Naturally good. That's rare stuff." (Y/n) nods agreeing with Brody. Watching Clementine set her hand on AJ's back and nodding her head towards Marlon. The little boy steps up.

"I'm really sorry I hit you." He looked at Marlon, rocking softly on his heels. "Can we please stay here and eat dinner and not go out into the forest and get killed by monsters?" He pleaded.

Brody looked at the boy with sadness as (Y/n) gasped softly glancing towards Marlon's direction.

"Oh..Marlon." Said boy smiled and looked at AJ. "Don't sweat it buddy, you can make it up to me by teaching me your technique. You are a regular heavyweight." AJ smiled as Louis called out to them.

"Hey, Clem! AJ!" He cups his hands over his mouth as he yells from where the pot was still brewing. "Stew's done!"

Clementine and AJ both looked at the three in anticipation, and slight hunger. Marlon and (Y/n) look at each other as she nods her head at them. "You guys go and have dinner. You earned it after all."

And with that said the three stood and headed over to the benches. (Y/n) is sitting on Clem's right at the end of the bench. Passing a chipped bowl of hot stew towards Clementine.

The girl smiled as Louis set another bowl in front of (Y/n). "Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served." He playfully announced sitting at the center end as (Y/n) shakes her head with a chuckle.

"Thanks." Clem said as she lifts up her spoon. "Wow. Can't remember the last time we had a hot meal. Mmm, this is really good." She complimented eating more of her food.

(Y/n) glances over and giggles when she sees or rather hears AJ just slurp the soup straight out of the bowl. Clementine gave him an amusing look, she looked around seeing Rudy look at him with a disappointing face.

A burp was heard at the end of the table making them all look and see it was Louis.

"Ugh. Come on!" Rudy complained. Then another was heard but from AJ and his face was covered in stew. He looked around before continuing slurping the soup. After a few seconds Clementine joined in, followed by AJ once again as they laughed.

(Y/n) smiled before hearing Rudy once again. "Oh, good lord."

"Okay, enough." With a stern voice (Y/n) addresses the rest to the plum girl's admiration. "Thank you." That was until Marlon and (Y/n) joined as well, all laughing it out.

"Ugh!" Rudy gets up and leaves all them laughing. "Goodnight, Rudyyyyy." Louis playfully said watching the girl flick them off as she walked away.

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