"(Y/n), you have to believe me."

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In the middle of the night Clem was awoken by faint yelling coming from the pipes in the room, she held herself up by her elbows looking at the door trying to figure out what they're saying. She narrowed her eyes and quickly and quietly got out of bed.

"What was that?" Now up,  AJ slowly gets up too before getting cut off by Clementine telling him to be quiet.

Taking her hat and lighting up the candle she slowly makes her way to the door. She listens as the yelling gets gradually louder "what the hell?"

It sounded like a female voice, yelling and arguing with another. "There's voices in the pipes." AJ observed, looking up and around the room.

Clementine looks up at the pipe that was going across the broken ceiling. Her voice is slightly confused but equally worried. "I think someone's in trouble."

"Is it us?"

"No, no, no. Not right now, but we should help them." She said, now kneeling down to AJ's level with a worried look.

"If it's a monster, we should kill it." The little boy said with his face hard in anger. Clem shook her head softly. "I don't think it is."

Clementine looked away in worry before looking back at AJ. "You got your gun?" He nodded and pulled the small revolver from his pocket, showing her he still has it. The girl nodded firmly.

"I'll be right back. Stay safe." The boy listened and nodded his head, staying exactly where he was as Clem gave him a last look before heading out the door.


Now outside of the room the voices got louder, the girl looked around, she followed the sound. Turned a corner and followed it down the hall. "Just a little further." She mumbled to herself.

She stopped in front of the basement door, where the voices were now sounding just outside the door. Male and female.

She tries to open the door but finds out it's locked. "This is locked from both sides. Can't pick it. I have to find another way to the basement." She observed. Thinking of another way in. She looked to her left a bit to see an evacuation route map still intact on the wall. "A cellar door out in the yard."

With that plan on lock down she wakes her way outside.


With the wind roaring loudly and the leaves and vines moving aggressively with the wind. The candle Clem was holding blew out. She gasped softly before setting the candle down.

"According to the map, there should be another entrance to the basement around here." She said to no one in particular. Slowly moving forward and looking around for said door.

Walking past the couches and around a big bush she fouls the cellar door. She kneeled down the voice now loud enough to hear what they were saying. It was Marlon and Brody. But it didn't sound like a good conversation.

"You are unbelievable! You fucking coward!" Brody's voice was heard as Clem inspected the padlock.

"Hey. HEY! We are in this together." Marlon's voice was now heard. "You will not put this all on me!"

"And (Y/n)! Why haven't you told her, huh!"

"Don't!...don't bring (N/n) into this, okay!?" He yelled back as Clem gasped softly at (Y/n)'s name being mentioned, she looked around the area and found a brick. She picked it up and walked over to the padlock again.

After two hits the lock finally broke and she opened the door. She looked at it before bracing herself and walking down the stairs.


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