Ep. 3: "That perfect doll of yours."

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-Previously on The Walking Dead: Hats And Swords-

"While searching for a place to call home..." Clementine's voice is heard as an image of Marlon showing Clem the school and (y/n) smiling at her was shown. "AJ and I found an old boarding school, run by kids, deep in the forest."

"Their main leader was a guy named Marlon," the image of Marlon was shown, then the image of (Y/n) appeared next to him. "Leading by his side was the co-leader, a girl named (Y/n)."

The image changed to Marlon with a bullet wound on his forehead, a scared (Y/n) with blood on her face. "And AJ pulled the trigger." AJ's image showed up, looking conflicted.

The screen changed again, to the old room Clem and AJ stayed at, the teen girl and the little boy standing there. "I told AJ that what he'd done was murder. That he'd have to atone for it." Violet, Louis and (Y/n) appeared.

Violet looking away, Louis at the far end closer to the door, his arms crossed. (Y/n) sadly looked at Clem and AJ, her hands up as she seemed to be explaining something. "The other kids agreed. They voted to kick us out." It goes black.

"I thought we'd never returned. Then..." an image of Clem holding herself up, faded into view. "AJ and I were attacked by Abel, one of the raiders Marlon gave the twins to. He was with someone I thought I'd never see again..." Lilly holding her gun at Clem showed up. "Lilly."

"We were almost eaten by walkers, when suddenly...one of them spoke to me." Clem holding a knife ready to kill a walker appeared, then a hand covered her mouth. "His name was James. An ex-Whisperer who didn't believe in killing walkers." It faded to James sitting at his camp, the fire lit brightly.

"He helped me treat AJ, but without real medicine, he wouldn't make it." An image of Clem carrying AJ to the school gate showed up. "The kids didn't turn away the sad sight of AJ, and let us back inside. After I told them how we could defend the school against the raiders, they were willing to let us stay. At least until the fight."

"I decided to help (Y/n) in the office." The image of (Y/n) sitting at the desk, lit candles all around and Clem smiling at her was shown. "She revealed to me that she was the granddaughter of the formal headmaster, and how she weighed the burden of perfection her entire life." It faded to (Y/n) standing in front of the picture of the headmaster.

"She became vulnerable In front of me, and I immediately comforted her." A tearful (Y/n) showed Clem cupping her face and wiping her tears. "And I admitted I had feelings for her. She felt the same way." The image of (Y/n) and Clem kissing appeared.

"Then the raiders finally came. They busted open our gates, but the kids stayed hidden as planned." Lilly, Abel and another man appeared, all holding guns. "Until Tenn ran out of cover, hoping for a chance to learn about his missing sisters." Tenn was shown out of cover moving towards Lilly.

"The bomb went off, and attempting to save Tenn, Mitch threw himself at Lilly, and got a knife to the throat." Lilly and Mitch showed up, Lilly holding the impaled knife onto the boy's neck.

"(Y/n) was getting taken by one of the raiders, I was gonna save her." (Y/n) getting dragged by the collar of her shirt appeared. "We locked eyes, I can see the fear in her eyes, but regardless of that she told me to save the others." The image changed to (Y/n) giving her a reassuring smile.

"I gave her my trust, and with only a second to decide..." Clem pulled her bow back, ready to fire. " I fired, and saved Violet." It fades, Violet and Clem standing next to each other.

"I looked to see if (Y/n) made it..." Clem looked at the necklace in her hand, frowning deeply. "But she, and three of our friends we captured. And we had no idea where they'd gone." It faded to Able looking up nervously. "But we knew someone who did."

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