What if..?

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Now at night time, the sun has disappeared and the moon is making its appearance. The nightly wind blowing in the trees. Everyone went off to bed, except for one girl.

(Y/n) sits on the edge of the hallway window, her legs swinging softly as she just lets the breeze kiss her skin, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Can't sleep?"

(Y/n) gasped and turned to face the voice. Clementine slowly made her way over, setting her crutches to the side and sitting next to her. (Y/n) faced outside while Clem faced inside.

"You scared me...but um, no, just not tired." (Y/n) explained. Facing forward again. Clem stares at her with a loving look before humming. "So, you're just sitting here?"

"There's nothing else I can do." (Y/n) chuckled softly, smiling a bit and messing with her new necklace, That AJ gave her.

"That's true." Clementine giggled back. "I used to look up at the stars when I was little. It felt...nice to just sit and feel like I was the only person in the world. Back then I was."

Clementine listened to her talk softly and fondly about the memory, she played with (Y/n)'s hair, which was down not that (Y/n) minds it. "I remembered I would climb up to the roof of the house, the very top and I could see the many lights from other houses, cars, street lights. It was like having stars both up in the sky and down in the ground." (Y/n) said softly.

The girl leaned closer to Clem's touch, making Clem switch over to sit in the same direction as (Y/n), wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close. (Y/n) lays her head on Clementine's shoulder, Clem immediately laying her head on hers. Both enjoying the calming breeze.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Oh no"

"Stop!" (Y/n) whined playfully, hitting the girl. Both started giggling softly, being careful not to wake anyone. Clementine hummed.

"Okay okay, ask away."

"Do you believe in Alternative universes? Or past lives?" (Y/n) asked, lifting her head and looking at Clem.

Clementine hummed in thought at this, Alternative universe was an interesting concept to imagine, or if you can remember your past life would be cool.

"It would be nice if it were."

"Right! But it does make me think."

"That's dangerous." Clem teased, (Y/n) rolling her eyes and chuckling. "It makes me think, what if there's a universe where we don't meet.."

This made Clem frown. She pulled away softly. "What do you mean?"

"Like, what if in another universe...this is a fictional story people see as a 'possibility.' It's all fake, I don't exist. Like some game or a tv show. Or in another universe walkers never existed, or You're a guy, I don't know." (Y/n) explained further.

"A little sad to think about, don't you think, (N/n)?" Clem said softly. (Y/n) hummed and messed with her necklace.

"I guess what worries me is, if I do exist in the other universe, would you find me? Like here, if I didn't leave my community we wouldn't have met." (Y/n) furrowed her brows.

"Of course I'll find you, even if it takes my entire life, or multiple ones. You know I never give up." Clementine said firmly.

(Y/n) looked over at Clem. "But would you remember?

"Even if I don't, (Y/n). How can anyone not be drawn to you? Look at you. You're strong, funny, understanding, you're just amazing." Clementine praised, holding the girl's face to look into her eyes. (Y/n) blushed and smiled.

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