"Trust me! Save the others!"

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"They finally show up?"

Clem turned to Violet who just came back from the bell tower, now walking next to them.

"Yeah." Clementine responded, holding (Y/n)'s hand.

"Stay safe. Both of you okay?" With a nod Violet walked over to the rest. (Y/n) and Clem standing in front of them

"We're ready."

"They have at least four more people from what I could hear." (Y/n) replied, squeezing the other girl's hand.

Clem holds her hand tight In reassurance. "They're all carrying guns. And carts, probably to carry people away." She finished.

"Oh no!"


"I can't believe they're really here."

(Y/n) quickly calmed down her people. She knows how scared and angry they are but she reminded them; they need to focus.

"If they get inside, I'll keep them focused on me." Clem said. (Y/n) nodded her head.

"Right, and it should give Willy and Mitch time to set up the bomb."

"I'll set it under the carts. It'll work, I promise" Mitch reassured the girls.

"If they manage to get in, we fall back." Clem ordered.

"To the admin building." Louis jumped in, pointing to the said building behind him.

"Exactly. Right into our traps." (Y/n) finished.

"They're in for a rude fuckin' surprise. Those duffle bags will break bones. Easy." Aasim said, eager to get started.

"Relax." (Y/n) chuckled at the enthusiasm. "So, uh, any final words of wisdom?" Louis asked them.

"Society put us in here, because they thought we were a threat, troubled kids; well, let's show them we are one." Everyone got fired up at (Y/n)'s words, they were gonna fight to stay alive.

"She's right, we're gonna make those assholes regret—"

A gunshot was heard, Omar fell to the ground holding his leg up In pain. He's been hit. Everyone yelled in concern for their friend, (Y/n) ordering everyone to hide as she and Clem pulled Omar away behind the wooden plank.

"Clementine?! I know you're in there?!" Lilly's voice yelled from over the wall.

"Clementine?" The woman asked again, gunshots were being fired, (Y/n) let out a small scream when she barely dodged a bullet. "Open up, kids!"

Clementine looked in between the gap from the hiding spot there, she saw a lit torch was thrown making the entrance go up in flames. "This doesn't have to get any uglier." (Y/n) looked Omar over, helping him sit up right.

"My bow!"

"Go, go. I-I'll be alright."

"Omar, you got shot!" (Y/n) whispered. The boy dismissed it and told them to go. "You don't have much time. Go!"

(Y/n) and Clem look at each other and then rush over to where Clem's bow is. Clem skillfully jumped over the table taking her bow while (Y/n) slid under it skillfully as well.

"Showing off?"

"You showed off, too." (Y/n) smirked at her as they both flipped the table over and pushed it against the wooden wall they had up. Another shot was heard and wooden planks crashed together when they tried to get through the gates.

Lilly and her group stormed in along with horses pulling carts. (Y/n) saw this faintly and furrowed her brows, she looked over to Omar who was still holding his leg. "It's gonna be okay Omar. Just try not to move or make a sound."

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