"I know you're capable of leading this group strongly."

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"I'm not Marlon." After refusing and having Able threaten that he was gonna take AJ, Clem spotted Louis and Violet creeping closer. Violet having the bow drawn.


Violet does just that, hitting Lilly in the shoulder. Able pushed AJ on the ground and turned towards the other two and shot his gun, hitting Louis. The blonde gasped as they both made a run for it.

"Come on!" Clem helped AJ to his feet and also ran away.


(Y/n) was pacing around in front of the gate, Rosie sitting down and watching her with a small head tilt. (Y/n) bit her lower lip and growled. She gets one of her swords and turned to Rosie, who stood up eagerly.

"Let's go find them, Ro."

Rosie barked and followed her owner out the gate, but they didn't go far when (Y/n) heard the rapid pounding of footsteps. She sees Louis and Violet. But sees Louis injured.

"Louis! Vi, what happened?"

"I'll tell you in your office, let's get him inside."

(Y/n) wrapped the male's arm around her shoulder helping him inside and called out for Ruby.


After running away and dodging bullets, Clem and AJ tried desperately to get away. That's until a group of walkers comes their way. But with the sound the two adults were making they had forgotten them.

Clementine tried to kill as many walkers as she could, but one actually stopped her from doing so. She yelled but the figure covered her mouth to quiet her down.

"No. Too loud."

He let her go and picked a rock, throwing it towards the other direction the other started to slowly follow.  Clem watches this happen, truly shocked. The male turned to her.



"You followed her and saw her getting jumped by two raiders?"

Violet nodded and paced around the office, after getting Louis taken care of (Y/n) asked Violet to come with her to the office and explain what was going on.

(Y/n) got worried when she said after Violet shot the arrow they ran the other direction, with the raiders in tow.

"And..another thing...I think she had history with one of them."

"What?" (Y/n)'s eye snapped up at the blonde, who nodded her head in confirmation. "But I believe she's not one of them, just knew one of them in the past. Which makes this all a big deal when the others find this out."


Clem found out the male's name was James. He helped patch AJ up and helped send the walkers to save Clem. He used to be in a group that called themselves, The whispers. He saw them attack another community and decided it wasn't for him. He didn't want violence.

He explained that the people Clem was dealing with are at war up north, one whole community against the other. Is why they take people, to make them fight, to train them and use them as weapons. After talking for a bit, and agreeing that AJ needed proper medical attention, James insisted they sleep. He would keep watch. And in a few hours he would walk them back to the school safely.


They made it to the school, Clem carried AJ and walked to the gates with James. AJ shivers and grunt softly at the pain and the fever he had.


"Hang on. We're almost there." She reassured him. Walking closer to the gate. James stopped just when an arrow hit the ground right in front of him, Willy up in the watch tower with his bow out and ready.

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