"I said trust me, didnt i?"

978 27 22

As the group splits up Clementine and AJ set off to find James to ask for his help. The girl looked at AJ, who was looking down and looking a little conflicted with his emotions. As they went Clem started speaking, to maybe distract himself and maybe her. Her head is spinning, worried for her friends and most importantly (Y/n).

"So, how many walkers do you think James will help us get? Fifteen? A hundred? A thousand?"

"Clem, I don't—ow." AJ stops and holds on to his stomach, where the gunshot wound is. Clem quickly knelt down gently placing her hand on top of his. "Gunshots wound?"

"It feels like someone pinched me from the inside." He explained the feeling. Clem looked around and spotted a big rock not too far, "Here let's rest a second."

Clem helped AJ sit on the rock as she looked around the forest, it was mostly quiet. Birds tweeting and insects were heard, the grass blowing in the wind as well. Clem messes with the necklace before hearing AJ.

"Clem? I keep thinking...when Willy said all that stuff about Tenn before, I got so mad. He was being mean, And Tenn wasn't even there to defend himself." The little boy ranted. Clem turned and listened to him.

"I wanted to hurt him. I know I shouldn't. But I just can't stop thinking about it. I just wanna...punch his head. I tried breaking, kicking rocks..."

"Sometimes staying focused on what I'm doing helps me forget when I'm angry..."

"You mess with (N/n)'s necklace a lot. I noticed when I gave it to you." AJ pointed out. Clementine didn't even know she was messing with it at times. She just found herself doing it, in a way it calms her down and it seems that (Y/n) is the one calming her. She misses her a lot. Who knew she could have this effect on Clem.

"Yeah...it keeps me calm, just, uh, think about saving our friends, or.."

"I know, I'm trying. Right now's just different. I can't make my brain switch to thinking like that. Like, I think...I think I'm mad at Tenn, too. Running out of cover when Lilly attacked the school was really stupid. But he just doesn't know stuff like we do." The little boy continued explaining, finding it to help when talking about them.

"And then Willy started yelling at him instead of helping him learn...why don't the other kids know what we know? (Y/n) knows, why can't they? When there's a plan, you have to follow it. and when you yell at someone, it just makes them not listen." The boy crossed his arms and watched Clem as she sat next to him on the rock.

"You know, they've been through different things than we have. There's probably a lot we can learn from them, too." She explains.

"Like drawing, playing the piano, and (Y/n) knows how to care about people and calm them, Tenn said she's like a big mama bear, that protects her...Cubs?" He said unsure if that was the right word. Clem giggled a little and nodded her head.

"Exactly, cubs. We can show them how to survive, they can show us how to be...normal." AJ smiled at this.

"It's weird that people can be so different." AJ commented.

"It is Ericson's Boarding School for 'Troubled' Youths." Clem scoffed, AJ looked at her and furrowed his brows in thought.

"Trouble youths. Trouble...Like, bad. So they did bad things? Why?" He asked.

"Okay, uhm, sometimes they do them because bad things happened to them. I knew a doctor once, back when you were just a baby. He called it trauma. You have some too, you know. The thing where people can't walk up behind you." She explains.

"I don't like my trauma. I wanna get it off me.how do I get rid of it? I don't even like how the word sounds."

"You sock it right in the mouth." Clem replied in a metaphorical stand point, but AJ didn't catch that.

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