"I love you...with everything i am."

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Clementine looked at AJ then at (Y/n) with sad eyes. (Y/n) was already in tears because of little Tenn but now it got worse. Clementine hated seeing her like this.

Clem hears walkers nearby and decides it's time to move. "C'mon. We can't stay here." (Y/n) helps her up, Clem using the Axe to keep her up as AJ stays ahead.

"Keep moving forward. Keep moving...forward. Keep moving..." Clem repeated, more to herself as she held onto (Y/n) tighter as her leg gave in, the girl keeping her up. "Keep...moving.."

"Forward." AJ finished for her, Clem gave him a firm nod, smiling before frowning again. "Forward."

As AJ walked ahead of the girls, the gun out if he needed to use it. The girls followed slowly, Clem noticed (Y/n)'s been quietly crying this whole time. She couldn't hear her but she could see her. Clem takes the hand that was around her shoulder and brushed the back of her fingers against her wet cheek

(Y/n) gasped at feeling and looked over at Clem. "I hate seeing you cry, love." Clem said softly, afraid that if a little louder (Y/n) would break. The crying girl's lips tremble more as she lets out a shaky sigh. "...well I hate hearing you hurt...I guess we're both on the same page."

Clementine frowned, pulling her close as they followed AJ. Clem called out to AJ, stopping in her tracks. "Hey. I love you. Don't ever forget that."

AJ took a bit, he turned to the two girls who showed him what strong and bravery is, now showing weakness and fear. He frowned, "I love you, too, Clem. I love you, (Y/n)."

(Y/n) smiled sadly and nodded softly. "And I love you, Chip."

They all gasped when they heard snarls and groaning a little too close. "Keep moving forward." Clem and (Y/n) moved again, AJ nodding and moving as well.

"Look! James's barn."

"That should keep us safe for the time being."

"Yeah, it's empty now." AJ responded to (Y/n). The walkers we're moving quickly all around them. "Go! Run!" Clem yelled.

AJ ran to the barns as both Clem and (Y/n) followed, avoiding or killing walkers as they went. (Y/n) hears a lot of walkers, even wood snapping. "Is this a herd?"

"Move! Go, AJ! Run! We're right behind you." Clem told the little boy he finally obeyed and ran in the barn. "(Y/n), come on, we have to move."

(Y/n) nodded as she helped Clem reach the barn. But both fell to the ground. Clem from her leg and (Y/n) because of a sharp pain in her ankle. They both try to get up before a walker gets them but AJ was quickly to kill it with his gun.

"C'mon, guys, we can make it!" The little boy helps the girls up and in the barn. They both fall and quickly close the door, keeping it shut with their bodies. They struggled a bit but with the help of AJ they got the door shut. "We need to find something to stick between the handles."

Clementine reaches for the pitchfork but couldn't. AJ quickly picks it up and sticks it in between the handles. Preventing the walkers coming in. They all move away before hearing wood breaking.

"We need to close the pen doors, they won't come in."

"How can—"

"I know what a barn looks like...Clem" (Y/n) replied to Clem who dryly laughed they all got to work on closing the doors. But Clem's leg is quickly losing stem, she crawled to lean against a block of hay. She can't go on. She tells the other to quickly get the door closed. AJ gave the gun to Clem and told her to cover them.

Clem guides (Y/n) on closing the doors as well as making sure no walkers get near them. AJ fights and kills walkers as well. They finally got the doors closed.

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