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Chaos. Complete and utter chaos.

Everyone ran as the sound of buildings falling and people dying filled their ears. The night seemed to get longer and longer every moment they breathed. Children hung onto the arms of their fathers as they prayed for everything to stop.

Then it did. It was dead silent, all that was left were the scattered sounds of everyone's breath as they slowly came out of hiding.

Big mistake.

There it was. Standing on top of the head of a monster, the silhouette of the Shinigami himself. The wind blew his hair, the purple glow of the rinnegan freezing everyone in their spot as they were captivated by the beauty of it. The stars seemed to hide, the moon long gone as he descended. Who would have thought that the God of Death would visit them all simultaneously.

Then their saviour appeared. The bright yellow hair of the one they all scorned as a child. Now they weren't ashamed to atone for their sins. Pleas and cries filled the air as they all yelled, praying to be saved from this godforsaken nightmare. They all watched as he was cut down, and fear ran through their bodies again.

That was all they needed. Yells and screams of fear rocked the very foundation of their homes as they fled. Many were left behind, others were trampled to death. Nothing would be able to erase this horrible night from the minds of the people of Konohagakure.

Perched on top of the roof, lilac eyes observed as her clan ran away. Such a shame to be reduced to nothing but fear at the sight of the Shinigami. She shook her head and took one last look at the glowing red and purple eyes that seemed to watch her. Jumping down from her observation point, she grabbed the hand of her sister and followed everyone out of the village.

He watched with an amused look as they killed each other in hysteria. Fear can do many things to a man, including clouding his judgement. A smirk adorned his pale skin as he watched them beg for mercy. Those who were brave enough to look back were caught aflame while the courageous ones remained in their homes.

Walking the nearly empty streets, dead bodies scattered all around him, Sasuke tauntingly passed his kusanagi against the doors of homes and shops, hearing the remaining residents hold their breaths. Such a pity that it didn't take much to subdue this pitiful excuse of a village.

He smiled.


16 hours. The monster sat behind the desk and observed the wreckage that remained. The trails of smoke rising from the burning houses, and the heavy smell of blood that clogged the nose causing an almost nauseous effect on the body. Its hands remained folded and perched on top of the hard oak table, eyes closed as it concentrated on the deafening sounds of people coming out of hiding and their cries. It stood up.

Walking out of the office and to the very roof so it can address the people. The ones brave enough to live under its ruling. Watching as they gathered, waiting for what it had to say. Was it in fear or adoration? It didn't care as long as it had their attention.

"My people," it spoke, "I have come to lead you to victory as the greatest village to ever grace the face of the Elemental Nations. Let the world hear that the ruler of the new Konoha is none other than Uchiha Sasuke."

It was silent again. Then the sounds of clapping filled the air. Sasuke felt proud. It was time to change the ninja world to what Itachi dreamed of. Let them all hate him, he will strike them down one by one until they admit defeat.

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