Entry 6: A Maid

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Entry 6: A Maid

She sat on her bed, eyes closed as she mediated. The ruffles of clothes and the occasional clang of metal hitting each other didn't startle her one bit. Years of training in such a quiet and secluded clan made her ears extremely sensitive which came in handy as a ninja. The ninjas who observed her were no better than Naruto walking around with rubber ducks on his feet. Her eyes opened and scanned the room.

It's only been a week since she arrived in Konoha and nothing was out of the ordinary. Concluding a while ago that she wasn't in a genjustu, it took a little more mental power to adjust and finally accept that the Konoha she was seeing is one hundred percent real.

Getting up, she stretched and groaned. The window was opened and the afternoon breeze filled the room. Going around, taking care of her chores and preparing something for her to eat, Hinata sat at the table with a bowl of cereal in front of her. A scroll was opened on the table as she read.

It wasn't anything important, just a few scrolls from the library that she had found concerning the Uchiha clan. Surprisingly, there wasn't much information. Confusing but considering that they were wiped off of the face of the earth, leaving behind one person, it wasn't impossible for the Council to get rid of any evidence they ever existed.

Sighing, she closed the scroll and leaned back. She needed a way to get closer to Sasuke. Yukine's words made her slightly nervous at her mission. She wasn't the only one after the Uchiha's life. No doubt has Sasuke taken precautions concerning this. It just made it harder, but not impossible.

Her first thought was to work at the academy, however, she crossed out that option once she saw Karin standing outside the gates ushering students in. Hinata couldn't be a ninja, that would make her suspicious. Then she had an idea.

Although she was constantly watched wherever she went, she never had any restrictions concerning wandering around the village. She has walked passed the Uchiha compound 'accidentally' and quickly registered the fact that Uchiha Sasuke had maids.

She smiled.

It wouldn't be hard. All she needed to do was lie about not finding work, she was sure Yukine could help her get a job working for the Uchiha. That way, she could be closer to him and find ways to assassinate him quicker.

Grabbing her sweater, she made her way out of her home and towards the Hokage tower. Time to convince Sasuke that she was nothing more than a poor, blind girl who couldn't get a job working anywhere.


He didn't know how many times he's contemplated getting out of his seat and burning the entire tower to the ground. Day by day, he wonders why he even bothers to show up only to do nothing. It was nothing more than an office job that he willingly chose to do due to his high level of arrogance sprinkled with ignorance.

He stared at the pile of papers in front of him and smirked when he saw it erupt in flames.

"You need to stop doing that." Yukine picked the papers up and threw them away, replacing them with new copies. This was the third time within the hour.

Uchiha was childish. Even if he didn't want to admit that he behaved as a child when he was bored, others around him thought otherwise. He scoffed and leaned against his hand, staring at the wall again until the door opened.

She stood there nervously, making him roll his eyes. Sasuke glanced back at her and continued studying the wall as though she wasn't there.

"Aeri! What do you need?" Yukine ushered her to the couch where he worked. He sat down and turned towards her. "Sorry for his bad attitude, being Hokage is really...boring." He whispered and giggled once he saw the look Sasuke gave him.

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