Entry 7: Mission Failed

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Entry 7: Mission Failed

Counting down the days since she's been in the village, working for Sasuke, was not expected. It's already been a month. No doubt did her comrades in Suna worry about her. To avoid suspicion from the Uchiha, she stopped sending updates to Gaara in fear of being found out. Her guards were also gone, seeing as she hasn't done anything worth attention.

A month of giving Sasuke poison. If Hinata was honest, she couldn't tell the difference between before and now other than the fact that Konoha's new Hokage appeared more drowsy and unfocused than normal but not enough to put him or the village in danger.

He's also avoided eating, according to him, he didn't have an appetite for it anymore. That didn't stop her from finding a way to give it to him, by water or tea. As long as he doesn't realize what she was doing, everything would be okay.

Hinata continued to chop up some tomatoes, sprinkling them with salt before putting it in a basket with other fruits and vegetables. Yukine and Sasuke were at the Hokage's office, skipping breakfast, so she prepared things at her house instead. It gave her more leeway to do as she pleased without the eyes of the Uchiha plastered on her back every few minutes.

Putting in the sandwiches and dumplings, she closed it and grabbed her things. Walking to the Hokage tower, she was politely greeted by a few children. Waving goodbye, she quickened her pace. Sasuke was very impatient sometimes, she just hoped she didn't catch him on one of his off days.

Opening the door, she was met with glaring eyes and the body of what she assumed to be another lousy attacker slumped over, most likely caught in a genjutsu. A hidden shiver went down her spine before she cleared her throat and held up the basket.

"I brought your lunches since you missed breakfast." She looked at Yukine instead. The boy was much more welcoming and nicer to look at compared to the stoic Uchiha who honestly scared the living daylights out of her.

"You didn't have to!" Yukine laughed nervously and shuffled towards her, bowing as he took the basket and glanced back at Sasuke who paid them no mind as he focused on the person in front of him.

"It's my job to." She smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

They found out that she was much older than him even though she looks no more than eighteen at best. Over the months with Sasuke, Yukine and Hinata got closer than she would like to admit. To her, it was nothing more than a friendship that would aid her the success of her mission, to Yukine? He found someone just like him who didn't fit into society.

Yes, she told him about herself. Not too much but information she felt comfortable with sharing. An example being her sexuality, which surprised her when Yukine squealed and told her about himself. That blossomed their mutual understanding. Yukine would come to her for any guy troubles, specifically concerning one ox eyed gentleman who much rather eliminate any and everything in his way than to fall in love.

"Ah I know but...well...there's been more attacks since this morning. We don't want to put you in any danger." He looked at his feet, "Sasuke thinks it's best to have you stay away for a few until the attacks settle down."


She mentally cussed. Her chances were getting slim and she didn't like that very much. Hinata nodded out of obligation rather than her own satisfaction. "I understand. Lord Uchiha..." She turned to him and bowed. "Please enjoy lunch." She turned around to leave.


His voice was deeper than normal. Angry.

"Eat with us."

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